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Anonymous asked in TravelCanadaCalgary · 6 years ago

Can't we find somebody better than Trump to go against the establishment ?

I get why some people are supporting Trump. He's the anti-establishment candidate. But, are there better anti-establishment candidates?

1. Trump is an idiot- He inherited most of his money and his life has been one failure after another from filing for bankruptcy more times than I can count to destroying the USFL (which was the result of his failure to get an NFL team).

2. Trump is a liberal- Some of his policies would have you people going nuts if they were coming from Obama. He wants a complete government-run healthcare system.

3. Trump has ulterior motives- I don't know for sure why he's running but I don't think it's because he wants to make the country a better place. It could be his ego or he could be trolling everyone. He's going to keep saying increasingly more ridiculous things and getting you people to agree with him until you realize how stupid you look.

4. Trump is Hillary's only chance of winning- He's going to lose to Jeb and then he'll run as a third party candidate and split the vote just like Ross Perot did. He has no chance of winning either the nomination or the general election. There are too many people that don't like him.

If you want an anti-establishment candidate why not vote for Ted Cruz or Rand Paul?

103 Answers

  • Kai
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Tis a sad sad sad day when people start believing Trump is the anti-establishment candidate and would make a good US president. Obama wasn't perfect but at least he had the country and the American people in mind. Trump will not, he'll do as he pleases whether it's alienating the rest of the world into being even more hostile and more anti-American, which we cannot afford, or kicking all women back into the 18th Century, or not accomplishing anything because he's too busy firing his own people, belittling his own people, having a great Trump time in the White House with no regard as to what his words do to this country. Yea, Trump may be the most "anti-establishment" of all the Republicans, but that's not what you base your pick for US president on. Let him be the court jester, I'd vote for that. I'm just hoping the American people, when it comes time to really choosing a Republican candidate, can get over how much Trump makes you laugh and realize that's not a good quality in a president, and the people will make a saner choice. Even the most radical candidate, if they truly love this country and the people in it, has to come to the realization he CANNOT do and say what he pleases when he's president. Every single gesture, every word out of his mouth is going to be scrutinized and twisted around if possible. And what the candidates may think they'll be able to do once in office will be shot to hell if they get there because there is so much more going on then the public knows about, so many choices that could bring on huge negative consequences if the president chooses the wrong thing, so many other people in this world who could bring misery and pain to the American people. A president is NOT king, he's not Emperor, he's not given sole discretion; he's got to tap dance delicately with the Congress and his advisors AND the American people. Anyone who believes Trump will be able to get into office and then actually institute everything he says, or even any of the things he says, has got his head up his (and Trump's) azz. I am hoping that this Trump lead is only the American people having a little fun before they get down to the real nitty gritty, just humoring a fool along for laughs since it is still early in the game.

  • Noah
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Bernie Sanders. Keep all the good stuff and improve the lives of everyone with a few simple changes. They're not even changes, actually most of the ideas Bernie suggests are the very things we used to have. College educations were at one time cheap, or at least affordable. We had county hospitals supported by taxes and low to zero charges. Today education is beyond almost anyone's ability to pay without crushing debt. Health insurance has been mostly unaffordable for the last quarter century because it's not a 'service', but a money making scam. The 'establishment' says that's the way it has to be...Bernie say do I!

  • 5 years ago

    Bernie Sanders. Keep all the good stuff and improve the lives of everyone with a few simple changes. They're not even changes, actually most of the ideas Bernie suggests are the very things we used to have. College educations were at one time cheap, or at least affordable. We had county hospitals supported by taxes and low to zero charges. Today education is beyond almost anyone's ability to pay without crushing debt. Health insurance has been mostly unaffordable for the last quarter century because it's not a 'service', but a money making scam. The 'establishment' says that's the way it has to be...Bernie say do I!

  • 6 years ago

    Yes, of course there are better candidates than Trump, but the better candidates are none of the 17 who participated in the 2 republican debates.

    The are many of us democrats and independents who unlike the Republicans who vote as a collective for the establishment idiot regardless of how bad they are just to keep the Dems from winning; we vote our conscience and fir what we think is best for the country.

    What's best may not be a Dem. or a Rep., and that explains why Americans on all sides see something in Donald Trump and are considering giving him their vote. Especially if he changes and runs as an independent.

    Source(s): :)
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Because Ted Cruz and Ran Paul aren't actually anti-establishment.

    They're just guys who pose as being anti-establishment. You can't rant about being an outsider, when you're really just another insider.

    Trump is anti-establishment.

    He is exactly what you claim you want, someone with no political experience at all, who has no ties to the established party.

    Maybe this means you're growing up and about to realize that incompetent ranters don't make for good governance

  • jack f
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    What is wrong with you? There are almost 20 republicans running for president. Some I agree are establishment republicans, but a lot of them aren't. Just because you don't like Trump doesn't mean he's the only one out there. Personally I like Trump, but I also like Walker, Cruz, Carson, and Carly. I would vote for any of the republicans running except Jeb. As far as "better", who are you to judge?

  • JOHN
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Trump has upset and alienated his best core voters, Spanish Mexicans, who are Catholic and therefore Conservative by nature and will vote for anyone who is a 'Conservative/Republican'.

    Why is Trump so ignorant?

    Look just briefly at Western American culture and you'll find the Spanish and their mark. The American Cowboy wears a Spanish Hat, he sits astride a Spanish Saddle, while wearing Spanish riding boots, on his Spanish Horse.

    The first and the original cowboys are Spanish Mexicans.

    What we see in the above video is what we call TexMex culture at it's best - most of these people are natural born Repubicans - esp the folk from Texas who never had no slavery and will almost always vote for a Republican.

    Black Cowboys of Texas

    When I think of America, it's the image of the cowboy that comes to mind. Not New York City, but somewhere out there on the Range. Must be something to do with all them Tom Mix shorts at the movie house when I was a kid back in the 1940s and 1950s.


  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Blah. Government. Blah. "To go against the establishment" I have never ever heard anything much more ridiculous ever in my whole entire life than that.

    I'm sick to death of this alt lycan government psychology okay. It's a freakin Superman storyline television which agrees with ANYTHING. Overloaded with yes people. Overloaded with no people. Overloaded with zombie.

    In Beverly Hills it's as if the apple was never stolen from the tree. Nobody has to pay taxes, they are not theirs. I don't require the bullshi.t services offered. I try to care and it got taken completely the wrong way, twisted, morphed and brooded into a viper.

    All Trump is, is a pretty stand up guy who will FACE as in FRONT the handshakes. There are 99% of the population to think about and you are one thick a's idiot for being so drawn into the Krelm of it all. Lord get me away from this government psychology please.

    I need to go to Beverly Hills. 7RING. Eternal.

  • "He's going to keep saying increasingly more ridiculous things and getting you people to agree with him until you realize how stupid you look."

    How much I wish that to be true. I mean seriously... it speaks volumes about people who are into this windbag. He's an adult version of teenagers who like to say crap for shock value. What does that say about adults who find that appealing.

    As much of a mouth people think Biden has, at least Biden is genuinely a nice person and means well... Trump is like 5x what Biden is with the niceness removed. I'd so love to see a Biden-Trump debate.

    And if rich politicians are kind of disconnected from middle class American, just imagine this guy... he's always been so rich that he'd even be out of touch with families that are relatively well off.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, most Republicans can't go against the party much less the establishment. They vote as a collective, sign petitions as a collective and expound nonsense as a collective. Trump is trying to shake that up.

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