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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

Is Donald Trump the 2016 version of the 2012 Ron Paul?

Look at how popular Ron Paul is!

He's ahead in Iowa!

He expresses true conservative anger at establishment politics!

He's raised more money on the Internet than any other candidate!

Every twenty-something overgrown boy who lives in his parents' basement loves him!

And then it was time to vote...

5 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    No. Ron Paul is a real politician and has a considerably different personality (i.e. his ego is smaller than the city of Cleveland).

    Incidentally, Ron Paul won most of the delegates of Iowa (and I believe of some other caucus states) because his people were more organized and stuck around the whole evening to vote upon the delegates.

  • 6 years ago

    No Ron Paul had honest consistent beliefs. (many wrong).

    Trump is like the Charlie Sheen of politics, it's all about him.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Nope, Ron Paul is a whiner and trump is a doer. Trump doesn't have two first names either.

  • Jason
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    No, Ron Paul was real politician, not a game show host.

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  • 6 years ago


    Paul was anti-Israel. So the JEWISH controlled media destroyed him.

    Trump is pro-Israel. Thus, he will get Jewish support.

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