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what would you do to solve the illegal immigration problem ?

12 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Follow Canada's example. Make sure that nobody who is illegally present in the country can work, register their child in school, rent a place, get utilities, a license, buy or register a car. Basically, make proof of lawful presence mandatory every time a legal transaction or interaction takes place. Implementing e-Verify as a mandatory requirement when hiring would do the trick almost alone. The system is in place, and it works. It would eliminate illegals who use fake IDs or somebody else's. Unable to work, most illegals would move on to greener pastures, without the US taxpayers having to pay a penny for it. If in addition now schools are required to provide a roster of their students, also with proof of lawful presence to a federal database, very, very few illegal aliens and visa overstayers would remain, probably way less than 10%.

  • 6 years ago

    Quit seeing immigration as a problem and illegal immigration will stop. The immigration "problem" is really one more form of racism. Most of the people wanting to come here are people with skin colors considered dark by the white christians who run things. It is darkies that the whites are trying to keep out. Stop trying to keep dark people out by making the legal process equal for all colors and social classes and the problem of illegal entry will dissolve and blow away.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    - build a wall on the US/Mexican border that rivals the Great Wall of China

    - enforce laws

    - increase troops on US/Mexican border and create stronger defense at all airports, harbors and Canadian borders

    - create a swat like team to hunt down all illegals and process them for immediate deportation. No hearings or trials, marked as federal criminal and recorded and never allowed to re-enter the states, even through legal immigration

    - make law/policy that if anyone hires illegals they are fined and sent to prison, same said for anyone hoarding illegals

    - put an end to sanctuary cities

    - create an reward system for those who report illegals and successfully capture illegals

    - put an end to anchor baby citizenship. Illegal parent/parents of an US born child will not be protected through their child's citizenship

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Where I live in Northern England, there is nothing here for people born here who see themselves English.There are lots of places for those who are African/Christian or Bangladeshi centres..There is no such thing as an 'English centre' in England..I would put up a site on our side of the Channel Tunnel, to detain the illegals, because that is what they are .They won't apply for asylum by the normal procedure.

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  • 6 years ago

    Well, do the right thing is the best resolution to solve immigration problem. IGNORANCE of the legal laws should not be an excuse. Legal entry migrants who are availing legality/ legitimacy in migrating should be the priority since they are legally applying and since they are in good faith.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Increase boarder security

    Make it a Federal Felony Crime to have sanctuary cities (enforce the law)

    Make it illegal to rent to illegals

    Implement e-Verify

    Immediate deportation for all illegals who are setting of hearings that they will never show for.

    Make it a felony for a Government employee NOT to report an individual known to be illegal

  • 6 years ago

    Construct a U.S./MEXICO border, with several secret high tech lethal death traps for anyone sneaking INTO the U.S..

    Pass strictly enforced laws that deny illegal immigrants basic access rights available to LEGAL U.S. Citizens--forcing them to voluntarily turn themselves over to Border Patrol for immediate deportation. Giving U.S. law enforcement any and all full legal rights to assist U.S. Border Patrol officers--who will have offices IN all 50 states.

    Illegal immigrants who commit misdemeanor criminal offenses WILL work sunrise to sunset CHAIN GANG confined, for FREE--in our country's agricultural fields, desert roadways--and doing any other hard manual tiring labor. When their sentence is done--they're pack hauled off to Mexico....where they can risk death, trying to get through the NEW U.S. / Mexico border........

    Pass laws that call for immediate death penalty by electric chair or hanging, for ALL illegal immigrants--who resort to murdering people IN the U.S., as a way of securing years of U.S. residency in our country's prison system. NO insanity defense. NO appeal rights or any other liberal stall tactics. They have 10 days of life left, after being found guilty. And I'd call for these executions to be made clearly public--showing the world what WILL happen if you avoid deportation by murder in the U.S.

  • 6 years ago

    In Canada, we don't have an illegal problem because they can't get work here. Or bank accounts. Or rental places. Etc. Make it truly illegal to work, i.e., fine employers who hire illegals heavily, and the problem will disappear.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Switch countries. I get 5 acres Baja California Sur beachfront.

  • Lisa A
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Repeal the 14th amendment

    Take away all forms of welfare, no matter what name it goes by

    Fine and jail their employers

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