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Jehovah's witnesses on this form are hated like Jesus was by the religious leaders in his day. Could they be speaking the truth like Jesus?

43 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No. Remember in the bible that Jesus had the most issues with the people of the church who were the main ones "prepared" to receive the messiah. And what did the religious leaders do? Killed him. Almost all religions today would also crucify Jesus, including JWs. That is why in revelation, Jesus asks, "when I come back will I find any faith?" Everyone wants to think they know Jesus and have all the information, but Jesus talked about some deeper things than a lot of churches can handle. I have a blog, check it out:

  • 6 years ago

    Christians in general scream persecution and think they are 'speaking the truth' because they 'are hated like Jesus. . .' and generally speaking, there are some who genuinely do hate Christians. On the whole, though, Christian Fundamentalists (including Jehovah's Witnesses) are paranoid and delusional, relishing the prospect of being martyrs "'for Jehovah's name's sake." It's a source of unceasing amusement to me how the different sects within Christianity denounce each other. It's like observing a schizophrenic telling a psychotic that they're not "truly" insane.

  • 6 years ago

    John 17:14 John 15:19

  • 6 years ago

    There is a big difference between criticism and persecution. The Jehovah's Witnesses have received criticism over their doctrines and their concepts and I believe rightly so. This being due to their false ideals and claims not to mention their doctrine and date setting that has failed each and every time. However they love to tout the ideal that "THEY" are being PERSCUTED and use it as proof they have the truth. We as Christians love the Jehovah's Witness, it's their belief system that we do not like. They spread the wrong message therefore destroying souls. They promote their Bible as the best translation out there, yet many doctrinal errors are found in it. This is a Bible that was wriiten and translated by their own organization and yet the will not make public who their translating committee was. Then they parade different scholars around as if they approved of their Bible, which was and is a flat out lie. So it is not hate or persecution of them. It's all about criticism of their false religion and their lie they use to promote their false ideals and concepts.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If it was only random chance that they are treated exactly how Jesus described I'd still be respectful of God enough to know I wasn't doing %10 as much effort towards preaching Jehovah!

    That should scars the crap out of most other Christians who say oh they are just some cult.

    Well that cult takes way more about Jesus and Jehovah than your pastor!

    That should stir you to go preach your message about Christ more than some cult as they get called.

    Or they are really right and most people still won't go preach the gospel.

    Either way we know we are in big trouble with God

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Jehovah's witnesses on this form are hated like Jesus was by the religious leaders in his day. Could they be speaking the truth like Jesus?

    Not at all!

    Who was Jesus anyway?

    I suspect sweetheart that you are here asking this "question" only to provide your fellow JW delusionists with the opportunity to provide JW SPAM posing as "answers"!

    Disingenuous maybe but we've got you well sussed!

    Source(s): Antitheist
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT hated like Jesus. The Jewish religious leaders had Jesus crucified because of who he claimed to be. When Jesus said "Before Abraham was, I AM," the Jewish religious leaders wanted to stone him to death for blasphemy because he was claiming divinity. The Jewish religious leaders who had Jesus put to death would approve of Jehovah's Witnesses denying that Jesus is God and for claiming that Jesus was a created being.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have a persecution complex. They think that when people criticise their beliefs they are being persecuted. Don't they know that Christians are "to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints"? Don't they realise that disagreeing with them is not persecution?

    Persecution is what is happening to Catholics and Protestants in countries like Syria and Egypt who are being killed by Muslim terrorists. Persecution is when you are falsely accused, thrown into jail and threatened with beheading or being burnt alive in a cage unless you submit to Sharia law. I don't hear the Witnesses complaining about any of that. All they do is whinge when anybody on R&S shows up the false teachings they promote and when their precious Governing Body is exposed for being false prophets.

    Persecution? Just wait till the Great Tribulation starts, then they might have something to complain about.

  • 6 years ago

    Criticism is not hate (unless it's couched in hateful language, like "You will all die at Armageddon unless you repent of your false religion and join us!") The truth of the Bible needs to be spoken, in love, as Christians are instructed to "Contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" - Jude 3.

    You may not have noticed (and you certainly will not if you are a JW suffering from a persecution complex) that Mormons come in for a lot of stick on this forum. They are heavily criticized. I know more than a few JWs who also criticize Mormons. Do the JWs hate the Mormons? Or are the Mormons telling the truth of Jesus because they are 'hated' (i.e. criticized) on here?

    Here is some wise counsel from a Christian man (now dead); this is on the subject of others criticising your religion or your denomination:

    1) Don't defend your church or your organization against criticism. If the criticism is false it can do no harm. If it is true you need to hear it and do something about it.

    2) When reproved, pay no attention to the source. Do not ask whether it is a friend or an enemy that reproves you. An enemy is often of greater value to you than a friend because he is not influenced by sympathy.

    3. Keep your heart open to the correction of the Lord and be ready to receive His chastisement regardless of who holds the whip. The great saints all learned to take a licking gracefully - and that may be one reason why they were great saints."

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    David Koresh was also hated. Jim Jones was also hated. Joseph Smith was also hated. Warren Jeffs is also hated. Are you beginning to sense a pattern here? Being hated is no indication of God's favor.

    Nowhere in the bible does God indicate that is what God meant. What you are doing is stretching the truth in order to continue to believe your own chosen lie. Deep down inside you know there is something true about what you are asking. If you didn't sense it, you wouldn't be asking such a question.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    "Jehovah's witnesses on this [forum] are hated like Jesus was by the religious leaders in his day. Could they be speaking the truth like Jesus?"

    ISIS in this world are hated like Jesus was by the religious leaders in his day. Could they be speaking the truth like Jesus?

    The People's Temple organization headed by Jim Jones, were hated in this world like Jesus was by the religious leaders in his day. Could they have been speaking the truth like Jesus?

    The Taliban are hated in this world like Jesus was by the religious leaders in his day. Could they be speaking the truth like Jesus?

    (1 Peter 2:20) . . .what merit is there if you are beaten for sinning and you endure it?. . .

    People hate the false teachings, dishonesty, arrogance, cruelty and fanaticism of Jehovah's Witnesses. People don't hate JWs because they are like Jesus. JWs are like the pharisees.

    It was the pharisees that put the letter of the law above mercy and didn't want sick people being healed on the sabbath. Likewise, it is the JWs who put obedience to the letter of the anti-blood law - as falsely applied and added to by Watchtower - above mercy, and don't want critically ill people having their lives saved with blood transfusions.

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