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Bug or am i not understanding something?

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then


' RTBMessage.Text = ""


RTBMessage.Lines = RTBMessage.Text.Split(New Char() {ControlChars.Lf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)


Im writing a program i thought i would use VB as microsoft were kind and gave me 2013 ultimate for free.

Only when a user clicks enter on the richtext box, it leaves a line at the top, hence i tried adding a bit to take the rogue line out but it didnt work

so i end up with a stuck blank line.

Any ideas what the code should be, is it a bug or me simply misunderstanding how the control works under vb?


@cougars and texans, its a richtextbox when the user clicks return its supposed to do its event and then clear the richtextbox - but whats happening is it does the event, deletes the text but for some reason then adds a blank line.

its almost like at the very end its adding the enter the user pressed. (even though its clearly told to not do that)

I also tried your code didnt make any difference.

Update 2:

For example this is the textbox

User sends "TEST"

so textbox looks like


Then it clears itself as its suppsed to

[] < represents a blank line

| < Cursor focus, now 1 line into the control where its not supposed to be, its as if the enter was added AFTER the code ran.

Update 3:

I have solved it,

Private Sub RTBMessage_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles RTBMessage.KeyDown

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then



SendKeys.Send(vbBack) ' Get rid of enter key being added regardless of being told not to.


End If

End Sub

I still have no idea why im not seeing something, thanks for the reply guys,

2 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not a lot of details here, but it looks like your code is in an event handler.

    Instead of splitting on line feed alone, try splitting on Carriage Return Line Feed.



    I was able to get rid of it by changing the "Multiline" Property to "False", but this would probably break a copy and paste.

    But whatever works is fine.

  • 6 years ago


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