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So now that a feminist has used a "White Power" (aka Neo-Nazi) website to prove her points about rape, should we expect to see more of this?


I'm just curious if those kinds of websites are now legitimate because, in spite of the obvious racism, just so long as they support feminist talking points.

12 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Political" rape hysteria has always had a historical connection with racism, particularly in the US, although elsewhere as well. Feminists have by and large historically either ignored or denied this aspect of it, leaving themselves open to be used by fascist scum.

    Interracial rape charges led to lynchings in the US, and the Nazis used to love to publish cartoons in Der Sturmer of satanic looking Jews going after beautiful innocent young Aryan girls.

    With feminism`s traditional blindness on this issue, it`s not surprising that a feminist, particularly an unusually wooden and inflexible one, was taken in.

    It was just a matter of time before we saw something like that here, a reflexive knee-jerk response on the topic of rape leading them to cite fascists. Add in nationalist complications where Russians were seen as subhuman by German soldiers and raped and abused at will, and angry Russians who did the same to German women in "revenge," and feminism is simply not intellectually capable of handling all of those threads.

    Following it leads to carelessness and political confusion.

  • 6 years ago

    The feminist in question clarified things for you.

    But regardless, one feminist doesn't speak for all feminists. We are individual human beings, with a variety of opinions and experiences. Just like men have a variety of opinions and experiences. It's called independent thought.

    Rape is a horrible, invasive crime. You don't seem to understand that. If you've never experienced it, you are very lucky. Have some empathy.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I suppose so. Anything open as a sort of rape story based on past tides will be used as credible evidence for third wave feminist to use as calateral to proove it did happen at one time, making assumptions that it is still happening today when it is really not. We live in a society that respectively treats women right, so feminist ideologically is completely false by past descetions learned from and never done again in changing ways from war to pacifism. Now a days, white power still don't like other races, but they don't associate themselves with other races, but still get along with them on a social norm basis as a form of I have my beliefs, you have yours, respect me and I will respect u back even if we don't like each other. As for that guy, I believe that one guy was part of a conspiracy to get rid of the confederate flag to take away hope away from the south because they think not racist, but more for our troops and marines.

  • liz
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Wow. The user who did that has apologised openly for this mistake. Clearly it's a one- off. Hope you got some satisfaction from asking a question about them.

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  • 6 years ago

    I would be quite surprised to see a social justice activist of any kind cite a "White Power" website as though it were a reliable source even once. So, I do not think we should expect to see it twice or more.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Nobody likes femi-nazis! They are fat, ugly, bitter, man-hating scumbags and very few people take them seriously anymore. Ignore them. Anybody can see they're just desperate for attention!

  • 6 years ago

    No. Anyone can search for an article and post a link without knowing all the details of the site where the article is posted. The site might be wholly disreputable. Even I once accidentally posted a link to a Huffington Post site. Sorry. Mistakes happen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    OK I admit I'm guilty - I was looking for evidence to support what a woman from Russia told me which was new territory for me and I didn't check the site out well enough - I found a lot of sites about Russian rape of Germans during WW2 but clearly I picked the wrong one.

    I realized it when you pointed it out, and thank you for that but by then it was too late. Once a BA is chosen you cannot edit so it's still there. It's an embarrassment for sure and I learned a lesson but of course you had to rub it in by asking this question. Does that make you feel better?

    Did you check out my comments to you in the question - I did not in any way want to have anything to do with that group.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Statistics are that most male rapists, allowing for population percentage consideration. Are black, not white.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Anything that supports feminist talking points is 'legit' to feminists. However, I imagine that most of them still aren't dumb enough to link to such a site. But every time I think that, they prove me wrong.

    A link would be nice.

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