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If it's true that God calls the elected to repentance, and that once you're saved, you are always saved, then why do you need the Bible?


Why would God create a book that everyone can read if only the elects will be saved? Why would the elects need it if they will not lose their salvation?

Update 2:

I was asked to explain my logic. Let me type this slow so my logic won't escape you. The non-elect will never be saved nor desire or do good, and thus, they don't need the Bible. As for the elects, God saves them and they cannot resist it. They will never lose their salvation. They listen to God and know the Shepherd's voice. Now they are saved, they are in the Spirit and will do good. They too do not need the Bible. If so, then for what? What will it change?

Update 3:

Some seem to not understand my position or question. My question is meant for those who believe in the predestined elect and the perseverance of the saints (once saved always saved) theology. I do not believe in this. I wrote my question and following information in a way for them to understand what I'm asking/saying.

Update 4:

For those who believe in this theology and say that you still need the Bible for its teachings and to remind you of them, that's what the Holy Spirit is for.

John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

You also wouldn't need to read the Bible, because he will speak to you, according to John 16:13. So can you still tell me why you need the Bible?

Update 5:

There are many great answers. Thank you all. It will be hard to choose a best answer. But if it's true that there are elects and non-elects, I'm convinced the non-elects do not need it. As for the "elects", once God calls them to repentance and saves them and they receive the Holy Spirit, they will learn and walk in the good things of the Spirit. I still believe they wouldn't need the Bible. Especially since the Holy Spirit is supposed to guide and teach them into all truth (John 16:13, 14:26).

115 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Although it is a common belief, it really is NOT true that God calls only a certain elected to repentance (and hence no one else). Neither is it true that once one is saved one is always saved.

    If God called only a select number for repentance, how are we to understand that Jesus died so that all who put faith in the efficacy of his ransom sacrifice could find salvation? John 3:16. How are we to understand that it is God's will that all sorts of men be saved and come to an accurate knowledge? 1 Timothy 2:4 Both of those teachings are found in the Bible - the whole of which we have need.

    If 'once saved always saved,' how is it that the scriptures teach us to work at our salvation, to endure to the end? Jude 5 provides the reminder that although God ‘saved’ a people out of Egypt, he thereafter destroyed the majority of those same people because they woefully lacked faith. Matthew 24:13 says he who endures to the end is the one who will be ‘saved.’ Obviously, that is a work in progress. Philippians 2:12 admonishes Christians to ‘work out your own salvation.’ Philippians 1:1 speaks of the final salvation not yet assured.

    “Yes,” someone may say, “but Romans 8:28-39 specifically says that some are foreordained, chosen.” Indeed, that scripture does speak of the chosen ones, those foreordained. Peter speaks of them too at 1 Peter 2:8, 9. Yet Peter also admonishes in his second letter at 2 Peter 1:10 to ‘be diligent to make the calling and choosing sure for yourselves. If you keep on doing these things, you will not fail.’ Patently, that is not a lock on salvation. But then, how are we to understand these scriptures together since God’s word does not contradict itself?

    Imagine the senior high school class of 2016. The principal addresses them: “You have not kept up your grades, therefore, you will by no means graduate.” Then he says: “The graduation will take place on June 5, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. How can both take place? Well, there will be a graduating class, that is a fact. But some in the class will themselves not graduate because they did not keep up their grades.

    So it is with the ‘foreordained’ class of the Bible (which are those who rule with Christ in heaven by the way). There is definitely a group that have been chosen to rule with Christ Jesus. But if they do not make the calling sure for themselves – if they do not ‘keep their grades up’ – they will not be a part of the group that rules with Christ. Do you see? It is the group that is foreordained – not each individual within it.

    We need God's word the Bible - all 66 books - because they do what 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 states: All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, in order that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." And because verse 15 says the holy writings are able to make us wise for . . . "salvation."

    Hannah J Paul

  • 6 years ago

    one part of your question is totally different than the other part so we can't answer a messed up question.

    if you're saying you repent at the end of life then you will also have to be sincere. When people in person say they are sorry they need to repent and make it up to the other person. But at end of life well it's up to the Lord if they will be heard or not.

    No, once you're saved you're not "always" what if you do a bad sin tomorrow then that one isn't forgiven unless you're saved again and if you were saved again you'd better have a darned good reason for committing that sin.

    The bible is a bunch of stories to tell us how to live, to tell us about Christ, and it was written by different men over many years. There is more than one bible.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I've asked that question myself. The Bible talks about the elect but it doesn't talk about salvation before repentance such as what people from the Reformed Theology circles believe

    The Bible teaches salvation UPON repentance and NOT from the point of Jesus' death on the cross automatically for all the elect before they're even born

    The Bible also says that Jesus died for the entire world (1 John 2:2, Romans 1:16, John 1:29, Titus 2:11) and not just for the elect, 2 Peter 2:1 proves this

    Everyone gets a fair chance to get into heaven, God speaks to the heart of every person and convicts every heart

    The paradox here is that we are invited to choose Jesus but the Bible also says that we were chosen before the creation of the world. I don't understand this and won't try to explain it, but be wary of those who lean on one or the other extreme when trying to explain this

    Some people like to think that they are elect (I wonder how they know this) and that they can do whatever they want and still make it to heaven. They abuse the grace of God and don't bear any fruit. They like belonging to their little exclusive Reformed clubs full of like-minded "elect"-and-works-rejecting snobs

  • 6 years ago

    Anyone can 'fall from Grace', so once saved always saved only makes one think

    that now they can commit sins and still be with the Lord at End Times. Not true.

    We must endure to the end and not waver from belief in God and His Son Jesus.

    The Bible is our Book of Instruction from our Creator. We need to read if often

    so we don't waver and become broken.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    if you're saying you repent at the end of life then you must be sincere. When people in person say they are sorry they need to repent and make it up to the other person. But at end of life well it's up to the Lord for the Lord from high above is not stupid like us.Then you still needed a Bible and a good community for mind s are so vulnerable with sin.

  • James
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    The once saved, always saved doctrine is a false doctrine. The story of King Saul shows us this. He was once anointed of the Holy Spirit, and even prophesied with other prophets, but he continually led a life contrary to God, and wound up facing destruction because of it. Salvation is more like a drowning man who is thrown a rope -- he's saved! Yes, but if he then lets go of the rope before he's pulled aboard, or pulled to shore, he'll be lost again. Nothing can take us out of God's protection (Romans 3:38, 39), except our own choices -- because it is always possible, while a person lives, for them to change their minds, and God ultimately respects our freedom of choice.

    And your missing a vital point -- the Holy Spirit REMINDS you of what God has said -- in His word (the Scritpures).... If you don't make a point of putting those Scriptures in your mind in the first place, He can't remind you of something that was never there to begin with. 2 Timothy 2:15 and Matthew 4:4.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    No. We are called, sinners first. After 2000 years, near or nigh, the message has not got through. This is not some country club and 'salvation' is not about saving. It is about 'healing' and the healing is the healing of Creation. The Bible is not a rule book but a guide book in part, a guide to living and loving in Creation. Jesus didn't come to burden us with sin but allow us to live free from sin. We just need to be humans, making mistakes is allowed.

  • 6 years ago

    God calls ALL Mankind to repent not just the elect - the Bible is just a guidebook in this mortal life to help us along the Path that leads back to God. The once saved always saved mentality is a false doctrine. Anyone can be an apostate and lose their way - that is why we need to repent - each of us every day to remain on the straight & narrow path that leads to Salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Because one trip to the alter and the sinners prayer does not save you! It starts you down the road that leads to salvation!

    He that endures to the end is the one who will be saved(direct bible quote)

    The bible is your book of directions to guide you in Dailey repentance and working rightous deeds instead of sin.

    How nice if I could repent today ask Jesus forgiveness then go right back to being a orgy king! And be saved!

    That would mean heavens going to be full of all manner of filth!

    But thank God that's not the case!

    The bible says don't fool yourself those who keep sinning being greedy lieing stealing fornicating doing sorcery men laying with men.

    Will not inherit gods kingdom!!!!

    So that puts a dead end to the get saved once and you can sin your butt off lie!

  • 6 years ago

    That's not entirely true, I think that belief is Calvinism. To be honest, God calls everyone to repentance but not everyone listens. He knows who will be saved and who won't but you need to repent daily. The biggest Christians can fall for the smallest lies. I don't believe people know if they are elected' or special, only God knows.

  • Marli
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Jesus said "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but only those who do my Father's Will." He said to His sheep, "When I was naked, you clothed Me. When I was hungry and thirsty, you gave Me food and drink." The goats refused to do that, so He told them to "Depart from Me."

    That's in the Bible, so if you don't read and follow, you don't know the above and you're not doing the Father's Will.

    Now, also in the Bible, are Paul's words, "We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. No one is righteous. But God will forgive our sins if we admit them, and believe that Christ has paid the price with His blood."

    So, how do we show we believe Jesus has saved our souls. By doing what He commands: Feed the poor. Be there for whoever has a need. If we don't, we show that we don't care about the tremendous price He paid, that we think it's cheap. Do you think God wants ungrateful people? The one leper who thanked Jesus for healing him was blessed as well as healed. The others were only healed.

    You need the Bible to help you figure out what He wants you to do with the blessings He gave you.

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