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C asked in PetsDogs · 6 years ago

Dog I am watching keeps biting, jumping, and barking at me, what do I do?

I am a pet-sitter for Chicago and have pet-sit countless dogs and cats since April. Every animal I have previously watched has been perfectly well, but this dog, a boxer mix, is a bit young. Whenever I get into the apartment, she first gets excited. I try playing with her toys, but then she drops her toys and barks, bites and jumps on me. She has ripped my shorts (lol), and has actually left a mark on my hand from her teeth. What do I do to have her stop acting this way?

16 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly, I'd recommend you speak to the owner to tell them of this dogs behavior so it won't lead into other bad habits.

    But when you walk through the door, welcome the dog.

    If the dog jumps, ignore her.

    If the dog barks, ignore her.

    If the dog bites, make a large squeal to tell her this isn't okay. (Sometimes this won't work, but I'm sure you'll get a reaction. Remember training is to the owner. Not you)

    When you go over to the owners house, wear gloves, or something underneath your clothes.

    Taking this dog for a nice long walk will calm her down. She can release her energy through excersize. Play fetch with her for about half an hour.

    Anyway, good luck and I hope I helped

  • mark
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    We call this RJM---Rambunctious, Jumpy, Mouthy. Yes, ignore bad behavior, for example turn your back when he jumps on you. But also train the dog in good behavior, such as sitting. (Put a tasty treat near the dogs nose, lift up and back, as the the dog follows the treat, his nose will go up and his butt will go down.) Once you have him sitting, ask for a sit as an alternative to the RJM behavior. Reward good behavior with petting, praise and treats. Continue ignoring bad behavior. Takes patience, but I have never seen a dog that doesn't learn this eventually. (Source: Long-time shelter volunteer and trainer.)

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    dog isn't getting enough exercise and training. As an experience dog sitter you definitely should know how to train a dog. You need to take the dog out for a good long walk and you need to train the dog to sit down on command. A dog which is sitting down isn't jumping up on you.

    Boxers are well know to be high energy particularly when young, so dog needs more exercise. Mental exercise can also be pretty efficient in tiring out a dog.

    Read up on mouthing and play-biting, there are plenty of internet resources telling you various options. Not every method works with every dog. Mine reacts very well to making a squeaking sound and he will immediately desist, likewise a "no" will generally suffice, though when he was younger there were times when I had to repeat it a lot. Persistence is important. You probably should teach him to play tug to find an OK outlet for the behavior.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Find what motivates your dog. Some dogs do anything for food. Some dogs do anything for Toys. Some do anything for a good petting. Some do anything for only one type of food, like cheese, or hotdog. Some only have interest in training for 5 minutes at a time, and others can go for an hour. Figure out what your dog is willing to work for, and then work with her in sessions that are no longer than she can tolerate. Learn how to train your dog properly

    Sign up for a dog obedience training class. It will not train your dog. It will give you training on how you can train your dog. Most people understand the idea of training, but there is a right and a wrong way to do it, and there is good and bad technique. Timing and consistency is very important, and it helps to have feedback of someone watching you who can help you improve your technique to get more efficient results with your dog.

    However, she may be somewhat anxious around other dogs, sort of like the shy kid on the playground. She will benefit from continuing what you are doing as far as asking her to sit before entering, but there are more things along those lines that will help her to calmly go in and out of the dog park. She may also benefit from going in short bursts, or only when fewer dogs are present, or avoiding times when other dogs that make her nervous are present. Maybe she just plays loud - my brother's dog is this way - or maybe she is a dogpark bully - sorry it is possible. But more likely she is just a little anxious around new dogs and she wants to play but just doesn't quite know how to do that and still feel comfortable. Don't be surprised if your dog does not actually like the dog park, and maybe she would get more enjoyment and less stress out of simply going for a good walk somewhere else.

    A wagging tail does not mean that your dog is happy or even comfortable with the situation. It means your dog is emotionally aroused. This could be a happy arousal, or it could be a nervous arousal, or it could be an aggressive arousal. Go youtube it, there are plenty of videos of 'vicious' dogs who are throwing a very aggressive fit of barking and snarling while their tail is wagging vigorously. Even police dogs who are not let off the leash to chase down a suspect can be lunging and barking and snarling, and their tails are still going.

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  • 6 years ago

    The young dog is not use to you it will take some time for the dog to accept you.Be patient & try to be friends by giving the dog pieces of meat or dog treats if the owner will allow it.I am 70 & have been around dogs for 53 years since I was 17.This works every time.just be patient.

    GOD bless & be loving.

  • 6 years ago

    The young dog is not use to you it will take some time for the dog to accept you.Be patient & try to be friends by giving the dog pieces of meat or dog treats if the owner will allow it.I am 70 & have been around dogs for 53 years since I was 17.This works every time.just be patient.

    GOD bless & be loving.

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I would finish the job of watching her but tell the owners they need to train their dog and that in the future you will not pet sit the dog until its trained. Tell them the dog has torn your clothes and bit you while you were watching her.

  • 6 years ago

    It's a puppy, right?

    As soon as you arrive, take the pup out and play ball or whatever it takes to tire her out. Then do whatever else you need to do.

    When she bites or tries to bite. YELP in distress, turn your back and refuse to play. The yelp ought to startle her. This is what her mother or litter mates would do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    She is defending her territory. Come with a bag of doggie treats to calm her down.

  • 6 years ago

    Ignored or redirect bad behavior ..praise and reward positive behavior

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