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Am I speaking a language unknown to man kind in my last question about a mother should know who to keep her house in order without the ?

help of her husband. My question is about being able to do your own house work without the help of a man and that an independent woman and mother should be able to do so. Yet, here you all come and bring up single moms. Single moms?????


I never once mentioned in that question raising kids on her own I mentioned doing her own damn house work on her own.

Update 2:

Well, you know something there are times men cannot help through no fault of their own. So, she better know what she is doing is all I got to say.

Update 3:

And with these modern inventions. Microwaves, etc a woman can't do it on her own????? What a bunch of crap.

Update 4:

It goes like this, some men though they intend to and really want to help with the housework just can't. You don't sit there looking at your freaking vacuum cleaner waiting for him to come home that same night and vacuum when you could have and should have got off your **** and done it on your own.

Update 5:

You both work who gets home first and who works the shorter hours does the brunt of the housework; it most falls on women. It just can't be helped whinging about it isn't going to do anyone any good.

Yes there are common sense tasks that are to be done by the male gender and at times they will fall to the wayside - be forgiving be understanding but don't be a nagging gritch (rhymes with the word beginning with b).

Update 6:

Things will not always go the way we picture it we have to be at the ready when they don't.

Update 7:

Major highlight: with all of these modern conveniences we have women should be able to do all the brunt of the housework on their own. We're no longer draping the carpet over the line and beating it as in days of old.

Update 8:

We are no longer drawing water from a well some 100 yards from the house slipping and sliding (were it winter) all over the snow and ice so we can wash dishes. We have slow cookers that cook for us all dang day long. We're no longer slapping our clothes against rocks we have automatic washers.

Update 9:

Things will not always work out the way we picture them to. Some of you out there have found this out the hard way. And what did you do but whinge because the majority of the and or all the house work was on your shoulders and did it help you? And tell me how with all these automated machines at your disposal and a bit of organization you chose to whinge when you should have been getting busy.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand.

    Source(s): MGTOW
  • 6 years ago

    If the mother is a full time mother and does not do any paid work outside the home, then yes she should be perfectly capable of keeping it tidy. Unless of course she has babies or toddlers to care for. I don't know about you, but when my son was a baby, he hated being put down, so I had him in a front carrying sling. I had to do washing up standing sideways, so that I didn't squash or splash him.

    Neither child or the cat likes the sound of the vacuum cleaner, I can put the cat outside, but I couldn't do that with a toddler or baby. If the mother works outside the home, then depending on how many hours she is working, she could reasonably expect her husband to do a few small chores.

  • Mabe
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Why is it 'just HER housework', when it's everyone else's mess that she is cleaning up after, and if the time came that she isn't provided for, then it's likely the same at work you will be caught up in doing if you don't ask the other 'adults' there to help do their own job. It's not like children, and there might come a time that knowing the housework, that is a must for all adults to handle, to have to depend on someone else to do it for you or at least help. In the same way that you might at some point be expected to handle a job outside of the home, when the other person is at a disadvantage to do so, for whatever reason. We help one another, and yes it does take the independance of a person to not chose to go the other way, but remain to help in order to receive this back when you need.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    why is the house work just hers? People live together they make a mess together. A man wears clothes eats uses the toilet just like anyone else why should it be just the woman that works in the home? If and when a woman has a full time job it falls to all family member to do the cleaning and cooking and child raising we do not live in the 50's any more A man can not make the kind of money it takes to have a stay at home Mom cook and chief bottle washer.

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  • Siri
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    If by independent mom, you mean a housewife then yes, she should be able to manage her household.

    If she's working and has the bulk of her workload outside of home then the household should be managed by both the parents. Its only fair.

  • 6 years ago

    I thought it sounded that way. My mother didn't do housework. She gave me and my siblings chores, and sometimes had a maid. She didn't even do laundry. My house is small and easy to keep nice.

  • 6 years ago

    In my opinion, a house mom is the most important job of all. Any woman who goes out of her way to make sure her kid or kids are well nourished, educated, and happy is much more honorable and important than any female CEO. If a woman wants to be a business person, than I absolutely support her decision and she should do whatever she wants. What I don't support is feminists telling women they HAVE to go into business and higher up jobs when a lot of them don't want to or want a different profession.

  • Minimalist lifestyle all you need is 2 non-stick pots, all wood floors, air mattress, 1 bathroom and a plant

  • Iampro
    Lv 7
    6 years ago


    Most people understand that the word "independent" implies that the father is out of the equation. In fact, any third party that is not dependent on the mother is out of the equation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You must be speaking tradcon or some such nonsense.

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