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Atheists, are you sick and tired and tired of being called 'Atheists' all the time?

I do much prefer 'Sane people'.

30 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    I was originally uncomfortable with the label atheist when I was coming out and preferred to say that I was agnostic because my theist friends and family thought that it meant something different. I now wear the label as a badge of honor and proudly inform anyone that asks because I want them to understand that it does not make me a bad person. Most of the time when I tell them that I am an atheist it leads into a deep discussion and most of the time they begin to understand my point. There have been quite a few times that they became very offended and wanted to fight with me about it but I will not engage in a fight over an imaginary friend and make them either discuss it as adults or tell them that they need a cooling off period before we continue. If I fought with them it would only add fuel to the fire and make them think they have a valid point. I should also point out that I was once a theist and spent a very long time investigating theistic claims for any validation before I realized my own atheism so I can back it up with strong arguments and I have never been beaten by a theist argument. I am sure that the theists would claim victory because they are trained to believe that they are always right no matter how obviously wrong they are. Hope this helps.

  • sarah
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    I have no religion, religious people call me an atheist. I prefer to say non religious, reason because, I might be non-religious but I am not ignorant towards other people's religions!

    I do no insult people, I do not argue with people or their views, I do not put my views to people that are religious. If people want to tell me about their religion or make reference to what ever they believe in then I will gladly sit and listen- I respect their religion because religion is a part of them!

    Acceptance is key. It annoys me only when people ask me questions such as , as an atheist why do you believe in ghosts?'' Simply because those are very stereotype questions and the answer to that from me would be, well I don't believe in ghosts!.

    People are different, they can believe in what they want to believe in. If that's santa claus/ghosts/religon/easter bunny then so be it.

    What they want to believe in is completely up to them and they don't need to be asked questions or be forced to talk about it.

    I'm a non-believer and I am not Atheist. I am not atheist because I don't want to be labeled in a category. I am a person the same as everyone else. I ain't a label, I'm not a category. I am human and no religion should change that

  • 6 years ago

    Someone else once pointed out that there is no word for a non-believer in aliens, creatures of horror, or fantasy.

    'Sane person' or 'free thinker' can easily be used by a religious person.

    My other best choice would be 'one who doesn't believe in a deity'

    but, in the end, it boils down to 'atheist'.

  • Nik
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Personally I can debate with religions on the facts of both religion and science. I think to stimulate debate is good. I think to say "there is no God" is illogical you can't prove such a thing so its pointless to state it. Its no better statement than a Christian or other stating "There is a God" Your simply stating antonym phrases of the same context. IE yes no good bad.

    I consider myself more Agnostic Atheist than just Atheist but its what I am so no it wouldn't bother me. I wouldn't call Atheists "Sane" not all of us are for a start and to know is next to impossible. It also concludes without context all others of non Atheist position are insane to which there is no proof nor do I believe it.

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  • 6 years ago

    I feel like by saying "sane people", you're being disrespectful to other religions. Everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want, and you don't have a right to call them insane or anything like that, because maybe to someone who has a certain religion, feels as if they are the sane one, so with that, you SHOULD be called atheists, I don't feel as if it's disrespectful or anything.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It's atheists not Atheists.

  • 6 years ago

    No, I have no problem with being called an atheist, since I'm out of the closet with my atheism.

  • 6 years ago

    I think it's stupid to post questions to: Athiests, as if other people don't have opinions. Athiests aren't the only ones who don't believe, and 1/2 of them are asking and answering their own innane questions, whether or not they even understand what they are discussing with themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I only call myself an atheist when I'm surrounded by theists. Otherwise the word is meaningless.

    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Atheist are you sick and tired and tired of being called an" Atheist " all the Time ?

    I Am PROUD to be an Atheist it distinguishes me as a person who was confronted with claims of god by people who have dominated Human society for centuries . and had the COURAGE as others before me to Insist on PROOF of those claims

    ..Why is that . History tells me Religions do NOT have a Pretty History the cause of wars, murder man against man all in the NAME of Gods or what someone believes . and if someone questioned it the POWER of RELIGION exterminated them.

    To shy away from the Name ATHEIST Is an INSULT to the french cartoonist "Charlie" who died not so long ago how soon we forget when the head lines Fade ..

    Religions for too long has "GOTTEN AWAY" with being the EXCEPTION. they are not accountable for their claims .. everything else we require proof for major things .. why not religion.?

    . Because of years of Intimidation . and treated as "SPECIAL I am not shamed to be called atheist .

    Theist want us to be , because they would like us to go away I have been one for 33 years I am not shying away from the right to live my life and the right for other Atheist to live theirs

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