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How can feminism be about strong women when it offers programs to make things easier for us; Title IX and Affirmative Action?


Advantaging is not strengthening it's making things easier. We're (women that is) only got as far as we are now because we have been advantaged. Yet, feminists claim we are stronger because of it. But, are we really?

Update 2:

Yes Coffee into the cage <opens the door> The only way you can get out is on your own. Something tells me you can't do it without the aide of daddy government patting your feminists hand. I'd sure have loved to try it on my own but thanks to you feminists and your meddling ways I can't. Thanks for nothing! Thanks to your meddling ways how do I wear off the stereotype you have created for all women; we're weak and can't do a thing without daddy government. Into the cage. <points at open door>

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    These things are about fairness - not easiness. Affirmative action is not just for women but minority men too - allowing them to get jobs in a climate of discrimination. Not allowing discrimination to fester and make real people unemployed through no fault of their own is not healthy for society. Although as another pointed out - it is rarely very helpful in stopping the discrimination that caused it.

    Title IX is about women having the same opportunities as men to exercise and have an equal education - you must really hate women if you want to deny them that as a woman yourself! If women are restricted from exercising and getting a decent education it not only does not make women strong - but it makes women weak and unhealthy and society too and their women's babies will pay too - everyone will. What do you want for women - seriously? - that they are locked up in cages and kept ignorant? I can't imagine a woman as hateful and ignorant as that!

  • Q
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I could see your point with affirmative action, as it's a bandaid solution and probably outdated, but not Title IX:

    "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."

    But I get your point, I think. I don't understand how Title IX advantages women though. I've never seen evidence that it is unfair to men in its conception.

  • 6 years ago

    "How can feminism be about strong women when it offers programs to make things easier for us; Title IX and Affirmative Action?"

    It is not about strong women. It is about claiming to speak on behalf all women, then treating women like children. As soon as anyone criticizes FEMINISM, they then go on to claim that those people are anti-WOMEN. This tactic is as plain as day now. We can witness it happening right here by our own GS feminists.

    But your main points are right on the mark. Too many feminist women have become accustomed to this type of handout. It's becoming like generational welfare families that depend on the handouts and cannot survive without them. AA does not "empower" women, but makes a mockery of those women that can compete properly against men without needing a "leg up" on them.

    Affirmative action is making it hard to respect women as a class when it appears that many of them are simply shortcutted into positions by denying men the opportunity to even compete for them. We can never be certain if a woman is properly qualified for the job, or if she was simply short-listed due to the discriminatory policies against men.

    Especially in this day and age, where several generations of men and women (boys and girls) have been raised in the spirit of equality and opportunity with full equal Rigthts. Almost no woman alive in the first world has ever suffered legal discrimination. Now remember, AA is legal discrimination against men. We are moving backwards.

  • Mabe
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Well, it isn't easy to get up and go to work every day when a woman is raising children on her own, and making more money with benefits, versus staying at home collecting aid. I reckon what doesn't kill you makes you stronger they say. It was also set up to keep men from having to stay at home and collect aid, and that's because the locals were on a hiring freeze, and it took this to stimulate the local economy again. It was an 18 mo. program, then if the place didn't hire them on their own after that, which most did, it was right back to being on aid again.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I m a woman and I find it insulting that feminists claim women need such special policies to help us. I am quite capable of succeeding based on my own merit and I don t like feminists sending the message I can only succeed with special treatment.

  • 6 years ago

    Makes no sense

  • 6 years ago

    Next bill they are introducing is "affirmative orgasm" it basically is supposed to make it a criminal offence to not get her off. Lots of females are supporting it. Stock prices are going up for prescription creams for the red chins men are expecting.

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