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Confront the very real issue of gun responsibility, without penalizing the vast majority of law-abiding gun owners?


@joensfca - Trigger locks do not penalize law-abiding gun owners. Neither do background checks, if done in a reasonable and entirely efficient manner. I consider myself on the 'pro-gun' side of the spectrum, but the NRA (like many organizations of its power level) profit from the evidence being on their side. The evidence isn't always on their side. Half the time, it is but with gun deaths being at such an alarming rate, that is troubling. I dont like the idea of say ammo limits, they do nothing

Update 2:

@Frankie M - Mental health, among various other crises such as societal decay and a culture of irresponsibility... For the modern left to solely place the blame on 'gun culture' is ignoring the complexity of the issue. Trigger lock laws, if done effectively, I'm all for it. HOWEVER, unconstitutional and/or irrational laws like assault-weapon bans on a federal level, I'm sorry but... there are FAR better solutions and many at that.

Update 3:

I like many of these answers, from both individuals on my side and on the other end of the spectrum.

Mostly reasonable and thoughtful. But probably not reasonable and thoughtful enough... if we want to win this battle against gun (ir)responsibility/(lack of) safety on a much grander scale.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There is no very real issue of firearms responsibility, as joensfca stated in his answer, there were only 505 accidental deaths by firearm in 2013. When you consider that there were 100 million law abiding firearm owners owning over 300 million firearms, that is an almost unbelievable safety record. I would say that is very responsible of firearm owners. To bad that automobile owners, and Doctors can't match that safety record.

    What the US has a very real issue of is the liberals coddling the criminals with plea bargaining, light sentences, and early release from their revolving door prisons. The way to reduce violent crime where a firearms is used, is better sentencing for violent offenders. A person who commits their first violent crime with a firearm should get 25 years of hard labor, no chance of plea bargaining, lighter sentences, or early release. For their second offense of a violent crime with a firearm they should get the death penalty within one month of their conviction. Now this is something that would reduce violent crime committed using a firearm more than the over 20,000 gun control laws on the books today, and it would have no effect on law abiding firearm owners.

  • 6 years ago

    The problem is preemptive control vs. punishing wrong doing.

    In all our other rights like freedom of speech and the Press, there are no preemptive controls. No background checks on journalists or licenses required, etc. But when a right is misused, it can be punished. Like slander or libel.

    But when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, now we're talking about all sorts of preemptive controls that infringe on the law abiding person. Things like background checks, trigger locks, magazine restrictions, etc. We are being hassled and denied freedoms for no reason.

    What is the classic example everyone cites when it comes to reasonable restrictions on rights? "You can't yell fire in a crowded theater." Yet there is nothing to stop us from yelling fire, except we know we will be punished.

    But with gun rights, the equivalent would be to muzzling all theatergoers before they went into the theater, so they couldn't yell fire. That's what gun control is. Preemptively restricting our rights on the premise that we might misuse them.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There-in lies the problem. I agree with Dr. Ben Carson, the issue isn't a gun problem, it's a mental health issue.

    LIBS want to destroy OUR our Bill of Rights, one by one, until none of us has any rights. Not even LIBS will have any rights.

    "Censorship: 38 journalism groups slam Obama's 'politically-driven suppression of news'"

    by Paul Bedard(@secretsbedard)

    "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state" -- Claire Wolfe

  • 6 years ago

    The problem is the sheer number of gun deaths in this country and our unwillingness to confront them with an honest dialog.

    The statistics are easy to find. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while forbidden by Congress to research gun violence, does keep an accurate and in-depth account of the numbers and causes of death. In 2013 (the last year for complete statistics are available) 33,636 people died as a result of firearms injury; 21,175 used a gun to commit suicide; 11,208 were murdered; 575 were the result of “legal intervention;” and 505 were accidental. Both of those numbers are surprisingly low.

    Other countries have this figured out. No other industrialized country has this kind of carnage, but not us. I guess we are exceptional. What I do know is that in the two weeks since the shooting at the community college in Oregon, something like 1,100 people have died from a gun, 110 times the deaths at that shooting.

    Tell me why The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is forbidden by Congress to research gun violence?

    i do not think background checks and trigger locks penalize law-abiding gun owners.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    They need to be banned, the 2nd ammendment doesn't protect anything. You have 300 million guns in the U.S which is crazy and you need to ban all guns and make it free for any crazy people to have access to medical treatment otherwise you will always have hundreds of shootings and many more people will die. People like the NRA are evil as they have allowed many crazy people to be armed and gun hundreds of people to death like the News Reporter.

  • 6 years ago

    No. You can't.

  • 6 years ago

    we have over 20,000 gun laws, just enforce them.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Crack down on illegal gun sales, no loopholes at gun shows and no resale of guns taken off the streets by police.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Millennial scum

  • 5 years ago


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