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What is something paranormal, or at least seemingly indescribable, that you have experienced?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    To be "Paranormal" an event must be both "unexplained" in terms of present day Science AND "explained" in terms of a "folk Explanation"/Superstition. It is NOT the event or observation that is bogus, but only the Explanation.

    I saw a grey humanoid form (as did two other people) move through my own living room, and physically "bump" or move the hanging light fixture with its "head". Suggesting a Real Phenomena rather than an Illusionary one. A hoax was not possible and all persons involved were sober and sane.

    Thus we have an unexplained event, pretty well substantiated.

    That SOME people would term this "A GHOST" is not relevant to the event. There is NO evidence it was a "Spirit of the dead", or otherwise. To label it "a ghost" is groundless. The only real aspect is what was observed. Real does NOT mean a REAL "Ghost".---This is where "ghost Believers" make their error.

    A true Scientific Skeptic, Like myself, can only deem it an unexplained event, and compare it to other such events witnessed by others.

    An emotional, Illogical Skeptic gets "mixed up" and says the Unexplained event did NOT happen because the "Ghost" EXPLANATION is not valid.---This is more common than we think and gets in the way of logical study to find a natural explanation----Ignoring a mystery is the lazy man's way to make it go away, and is NOT Scientific. Science advances by study of unexplained events.

  • 5 years ago

    I ve had a kind of resonance going on in my room. I had felt like a kind of energy coming from outside as soon as the clock struck midnight. I could tell that this energy was being transformed into resonance. At least that s what my senses were telling me. Also, I had awoken at exactly midnight to this frequency; I had some beads hanging in my room. They would be on the closet door, and would vibrate in very strange, five minute intervals. And their frequency was about five times per second. In addition, what made it stranger is the fact that only the beads would shake. This made it safe for me to rule out a vibration. I wasn t able to recreate this shaking of the beads. Also, the shaking seemed to respond to me. I went over towards the closet for closet inspection. This was when the shaking started up again. I was right up against the door. After that I reached out towards the beads. As I did so, they stopped. As they stopped, my hand was just about about to reach the beads. Keep in mind there s nothing magnetic about the closet. Everything was plastic.

  • Hunter
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    A couple of freaky phantom vehicles over the years. About five years I saw what looked like an ordinary white van go up the street but on the top of it was a very narrow rod that gave off random flashes of red and yellow light that made me sick. If it had been LEDs or strobes it would have been your usual emergency vehicle, but this light source was like nothing anyone ever saw-- and after that one incident, nobody ever saw it again. The van vanished into the twilight zone.

    A few years ago while staying at a hotel near the airport, one evening I saw a bright white light fly out to a point in the sky, do a 180 degree U-turn, and as it came back around it was suddenly a normal looking airplane. It seemed to be a small prop plane with normal red and green running lights, but it made no sound at all. As I watched this curious thing, I saw this being repeated at least eight or nine times; simple white lights-- actual UFOs-- becoming airplanes. While incredibly bizarre, after the 8th one I got bored and stopped looking at them. Some stupid people might think they were just ordinary aircraft, but no airport would allow eight or more aircraft to do maneuvers like that, one right after another, at night and over a busy major airport. You couldn't find so many pilots of small aircraft like that willing to do silly maneuvers like that even in the daytime, let alone at a dangerous time as night would be.

    Those are just a couple of the many weird things I have seen over the years. We live in a strange and haunted world.

  • 5 years ago

    I didn't experience this, the owner of the place I volunteer at did. One night, while he was in college, he had gone to bed after a particularly hard day of studying. Now, all of his roommates were on some trip, as they had all already finished testing. About 2 hours after he fell asleep, he suddenly woke up because a light had switched on in his room. He looked all around, thinking one of his buddies was playing a prank on him. That's when he saw it: a silhouette in the doorway. He ran into the dining room, the next room over, trying to turn on the light. It wouldn't turn on. He ran for the front door, and when he opened it he saw that there were probably 20 dogs out front (keep in mind that some people believe animals can sense paranormal activity). He sat outside for awhile, and swore he FELT it as the thing left. As soon as he did, he went into the dining room, and turned on the light switch. It turned on. He went back to bed but made sure to keep his front door open all night, because he felt safe with all the dogs there. In the morning, he went outside and all the dogs were still there, proving (in his mind) that it wasn't a dream.

    A few weeks later, he went home to visit his family. He somehow got into the topic of the strange sighting, and his brother (who had stayed in the same place) said the exact same thing had happened to him when all of his roommates were out of town.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Grey aliens, ufos, strange lights in the sky, orbs, shadow people, pan the fae, light beings, huge tree sized snake made of light.

    Forced channeling as well. Just ******* shoved right out of me to, couldn't do anything about it either.

    Two possessions.

    And a witch tapped my brain and made me hallucinate once! It was awesome! I couldn't believe it. Dude was scary as **** but it was awesome at the same time. Lucky those guys to have abilities like that, that stuff might come in handy i've noticed. So lucky! I want to do that, im ******* jealous.

  • I was whipping my pack mule, Ernie, in our barn one evenng when suddenly I smelled an overwhelming odor like Ammonia coming from behind me so I dropped my bullwhip and turned around slowly and there was a friggin Nazi SS soldier squatting in the corner of my barn, taking a huge ghostly dump. He must not have noticed me and Ernie because he was a-wrastlin' with that beast he had veins bulging on his forehead and his eyes rolled back, I thought he might actually lose the fight for a while there but finally after maybe twenty minutes of struggling and eye bulging he screeched like a dying panther and I heard this really loud snap and sure enough a turd the size of my arm popped out of him and coiled around his feet like a runaway anaconda. He grabbed a fistful of hay and wiped the ghost blood from his buttcheeks and then just sorta toppled over - dead as a doornail with his pants around his ankles and his anus agape. Scared me and Ernie half to death, And then POOF! he was gone. After many years I came to realize, he just wanted folks to know how he died. So I'm glad to have told you his story here today.

  • 5 years ago

    After my uncle died and my family moved into his house (family property), I got his old room for mine. One night I woke up sometime around midnight and there was a shadow standing at the window-on the inside, in the room-looking out at the neighbor's house. It looked like one of those silhouette cutouts you used to see in front yards. To tell the whole truth, though, there was a closet on the other side of that window with a hook on its open door where I used to hang my clothes. Until that night.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    One time we were holding an evp sessiosn and asked for a sign, suddenly, (as we caught on camera) an orb of blue color landed softly on my friends knee. There is a spirit world we just have to record it and we can all do it for free.

  • 5 years ago

    By me being being squeezed by unseen hands and thrown against the wall and eventually being thrown through the a first floor window was one of my first and most frighteningly experiences that I have had with paranormal demonic sources............ Now there were other incidents like witnessing someone being possessed while I was watching my first exorcism scared the hell out of me..........But my first introduction to demonic sources was my most frightening paranormal experiences.....................

  • 5 years ago

    I have had the same reoccurring dream about a waterfall far away and if I go to it I lose my family but it looks nice.

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