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How do you play pokemon omega ruby?

I want to know how to play omega ruby but was wondering how do you play single battle tournament. 4 example, black and white had a place where you could play tournaments, each had 7 battles where you kept going till u lost. And at the end you battled the bosses, those train guys

3 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    You can only do this type of thing at the Battle Maison after you complete the Pokemon League for the first time. It's very simple, you battle until you can no longer go (it usually stops at round 20 anyway) but the battles get harder as you go along.

    You'll receive a boat ticket to get there after you complete the game lol.

  • 5 years ago

    That's located on an island you can only get to after you beat the game. It's Kiloude Island. Not sure if I spelled it correctly it's been a few weeks since I played OR&AS. But I know for sure it's there, I have a record of 36 wins!

  • Kai
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Beat the game, then go to the battle resort.

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