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why are ALL females gold diggers?

if a girl liked a guy who worked at burger king and if she liked a guy that was in the NFL/NBA she would choose the NBA/NFL player and COMPLETELY forget about the burger king worker. a girl may like you for you but if you have money they take that as a dded bonus. why?

14 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Honestly man not all females gold diggers. Some women will fall in love and literally be with you whatever your financial situation. Question: as a man talking too, it can be argued that we are always concerned about looks... If you liked a woman who was working at McDonald's or liked a women who was a super model and you had a chance to be with either... who would you chose?

  • 5 years ago

    That doesn't really make her a gold digger for wanting something better.

    If you had a choice of an attractive woman and an unattractive one, you'd pick the attractive one.

    Women seek security, and a man with money gives her the feeling of that sometimes. Some are just after money, but not all.

  • 5 years ago

    I am VERY strict with the people outside of my family that I "like"

    They have to meet certain requirements.

    Chances are that I will NOT meet a guy in the NBA/NFL

    I like a guy for his personality, then his looks. Doesn't matter your pay.

    It would make sense that a person would want their lover to have enough money to take care of them. As long as they get enough money to support the both of us, I'm okay.

    The place doesn't matter. As long as the other person is happy, I suppose I'll be fine.

    Source(s): I have ovaries
  • 5 years ago

    I can't agree with your basic assumption. When I met my husband, I was working and making decent money. I had enough to make a down payment on a house in savings. He lived in a one-room dump. I fell hard nevertheless--and yes, in recent months I'd dated guys who made me seem like the poor person.

    Maybe you need to meet different kinds of women, the ones who value who a person is more than what they earn or how they look.

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  • 5 years ago

    Women like men with ambition too. A grown man that is making a career at working at a Burger King lacks in ambition.....unless he is a manager.

    Women want love....and security.

  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    A man with money can buy her many desirable things and take her places. A poor man can not purchase anything for her nor take her anywhere. Going places and getting nice things is always more pleasurable than sitting around with a poor man doing nothing.

  • Blehhh
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Not all females. I am not. I prefer men with less money, so I feel more equal to them. I don't care if he can't buy me stuff. As long as he loves me, AND makes me feel like he loves me, then that is why good enough.

  • 5 years ago

    Some girls would be like that but for me if i truly loved the burger king guy i would go for him then a NFL player dude good luck

  • 5 years ago

    I've dated guys with no money. Some have been nice others have been jerks. I've dated guys who have their own money. Again some have been nice others have been jerks.

    Sometimes it just depends on how you treat them. Just like not all guys are the same. Not all girls are the same

  • 5 years ago

    all? not all...i dated someone who worked in a pizza place and i had a nice office job......this dude was really rude and constantly your statement isn't true...but i wouldn't ever date someone who flipped pizzas and burgers again....when you go to college and stuff - you can't really share or relate things with someone who thinks of college as stupid and a waste of time...just saying

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