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Lv 4
Jock asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 5 years ago

The soil moisture detector that I bought for $10 is always on the dry side even after I just watered the potted plant. Why?

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Test your moisture meter by putting the prone into a glass of straight water. If it pegs the meter, it s working. If it registers any reading except "10", there s something wrong with it.

    So, if it s the meter, get another. If it is working, then it could be your potting soil is over-dry, and when you water it, it s not actually soaking it up, but the water is draining through the bottom without being absorbed by the medium.

    If this is the case, set the whole pot into a large bucket, pan, or dish of water several inches deep, and wait until the soil on top becomes moist. This process can take about an hour if your soil if over dry.

    It s also possible that the plant needs to be re-potted, and it s mostly roots and very little soil in the pot.

  • Biff
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    because it's a $10 soil moisture detector

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