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Anonymous asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 5 days ago

Is it a big deal to fill in a hole in the sand with brush, and back fill?

4 years ago, I took some sand from someone's property to build a patio for them. I ended up making a 6 foot hole that was about 3 feet wide. This hole was next to a trail the public walk on. I got worried, and contacted the owner recently, and he said everything's fine, and that a contractor filled it in with brush, and back fill. By back fill, he could have meant sand, but its got to be the right sand so it doesn't mess up things ecologically. Maybe that doesn't matter with such a small hole, does it? 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    sounds about right

  • T C
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Yes it has got to be 40 grit sand or 987 parts per ml.

    If it's not, it will upset the whole eco system. You have heard of the butterfly effect.... this will have similar ramifications. 

    The best thing to do is to count out 987 grains and check the density....hopefully it's not to late.  

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