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Why does the Catholic Church believe in Creation and Evaluation, even though they contradict each other?

8 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    They actually don't. The Catholic Church does not view Genesis as word for word truth about how creation happened. They take it as a moral story and understand that the authors did not have the scientific knowledge we do today. What is 'a day' in God's eyes? How god created this universe is not contradicted by science, it is explained.

  • Misty
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Creation and evolution do not contradict each other. The Church states that God created all things and that an evolutionary process is not contradictory to this.

    God, being the creator, can use evolution. However, the Church does not believe that we evolved from animals or that the soul evolves. The Church also states that all of humanity came from a single set of parents.

  • 5 years ago

    Do you mean Creation and Evolution?


    Most Christians accept the Big Bang, Evolution, and Adam and Eve.

    The account of the Creation in Genesis uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man. Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents.

    After God created the Universe through the Big Bang and the diversity of Life with Evolution, the scenario might have happened like this. A manlike being is slowly evolving. At some point God gives these beings a soul. They become human beings with free will and responsibility in the image and likeness of God.

    These human beings lived in complete “original” holiness, in perfect loving relationships with God and each other. They loved God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind. They loved their neighbors as much as they loved themselves.

    Then the first human beings chose to break off this relationship with God, choosing to be selfish instead of loving. This was the Original Sin.

    Consequently, they lost the grace of original holiness and sin became universally present in the world.

    Besides the personal sin of the first human beings, original sin describes the fallen state of human nature, which affects every person born into the world, and from which Christ, the "new Adam," came to redeem us.

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 390 and following.

    With love in Christ.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A person can know with certainty the Catholic Church is the One True Church by saying daily and with care the angelic psalter of the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    ahhh the Great Mystery Babylon (aka Confusion) papal rome...she's been rolling like this for centuries...she is not on firm ground but shaking ground...

    Source(s): Gods Word;,
  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The Pope has been and is simply trying to accommodate science and evolution and the "experts", like all religions have done, like all schools and governments and society has done at some point or other. It was only a decade ago that religions began to reject million/billions of years and return to what the Bible "says." The Pope is always the last to come around.

    It was Charles Lyell, a lawyer-turned-geologist, with his three-volume Principles of Geology (1830–33) who eventually convinced the geological establishment to abandon the biblical Flood in favor of this “principle” he called uniformitarianism, along with "old age" and millions/billions of years. Lyell openly declared that he wanted to remove the influence of Moses (the human author of Genesis) from geology, revealing his motivation was spiritual, not scientific [R.S. Porter, “Charles Lyell and the Principles of the History of Geology,” British Journal for the History of Science, IX, 32 no. 2 (1976): 91–103].

    Here is the source and purpose of the millions/billions of years myth/opinion: 1830 by Lyell, for the purpose to destroy religion and exclude Moses from reality specifically. Lyell must have believed Moses to be one authoritative dude. And why are we still discussing this rubbish unfounded opinion with no evidence or proof in the integrity by burden of proof, the opinion/myth of millions/billions of years fails by default judgment.

    When Darwin's book came along in 1859, the field was ripe with atheism.

    Darwinian Evolution is not some major modern breakthrough, it is in fact an ancient philosophy dating back 2600 years to early Greek Materialists.

    By the end of the 19th century, the age of the earth was considered by all geologists to be in the hundreds of millions of years. The churches had no way to prove them wrong then, but that has changed.

    Most of us have been taught that everything we see—erosion, wind, water-flow—has always been happening at a nearly consistent rate for millions of years. This idea, called uniformitarianism, assumes that, for the most part, canyons and fossils, mountains and rock layers, were created gradually over long periods of time. The Grand Canyon, the Himalayas, the ocean basins, they all came about by the same processes we see today at basically the same rate. Hogwash. How can ANYTHING remain "constant" for billions of years? Curious ASSUMPTION when we know different; becomes laughable. Just another made-up story.

    What if there’s another explanation?

    When Alfred Wegener described Plate Tectonics, expanded in his 1915 book The Origin of Continents and Oceans, not one single geologist believed him. It would take 50 years before Geology understood the subduction process of the earth's mantle and accepted Pangaea as common knowledge.

    The truth of the Bible is self-explanatory, has withstood the test of millennia, and science continues to verify its accuracy, it's authenticity, because it's the unchanging Word of God. Only God could make these descriptions of real people and events in real places so accurate and revealing and consistent throughout 40 chapters by different authors. Certifiably unchanging for 2,000 years confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Evolution, as we know it, as taught in the classrooms around the globe, will be gone within ten years, crumbling from within on its own lies. The evidence is slowly confirming a Young Earth, we're slowly coming up to speed, behind the eight ball, but science is available to everyone.

    Facts are neutral. The evolutionary interpretation of the facts don't work or it would have evidence to support it. Nothing wrong with "science." Everyone must support their claim with evidence, but evolution fails. In the background are atheists trying to destroy religion with lies and propaganda through evolution, ulterior motive, deceitful, cursed, to be crushed. I don't see any future at all for the lies of atheism, irrational, illogical, unsupportable. You guys need your own country or something where anything goes, eat your own dog.

    Who is it that needs billions of years? Only the atheists/evolutionists. Ta da, great performance.

    "Nothing" will not get you there.

    Blue Cheese

    What is enough evidence for evolution, according to theists?


    How can the Bible be a source of evidence of how man was created?


    Evolution or Creationism? What to believe?


  • 5 years ago

    That's a good question...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why does the Catholic Church believe in Creation and Evaluation, even though they contradict each other? Fake Patriarch Kirill and other fake church leaders signed a document in 2006 where it says that all religions worship the same supreme being; anathema. Last Orthodox Patriarch is Patriarch Irenaios of Jerusalem. Major heresy of the last century was that the name of the Creator doesn't have anything to

    do with the Creator.

    American pronunciation of the word "God/god" is "gaad" which means Satan in Ruski.

    Ruski words for "English" and "angelic" are very similar; Satan was an angel.

    Read only Bible that is translated by theologians. John the Baptist ate only carobs and honey. Eating bugs like locusts leads to demon possession and three stands of DNA. 666ed people eat GMO food (which is food with bug DNA).

    Ecumenism has 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell.

    Roman Catholic icons are drawn from naked people.

    Orthodox icons are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    When you look directly into the eyes of the figure depicted on an Orthodox icon, energy is coming your way, that is, you get healed.

    If you look at Buddhist-Roman Catholic-Satanic icons, you get the passions from the person depicted.

    There has been a study done by Ruski scientists. When an Orthodox Christian crosses regular water, it becomes better. When an Orthodox Christian priest crosses regular water, it becomes even better than if regular Orthodox Christian crosses the water. This is the usual.

    Now, we are in the end days. In some churches (that have been infiltrated by the antichrist's minions), antichrist's blood is served. Also, scanners put 666 on foreheads at the entrance. Theotokos Virgin Mary pushed down the altars at these churches (invisible to humans). Icons in these churches are changed to Satanic-Buddhist-Roman Catholic type instead of normal. Water (instead of becoming better) becomes worse when "blessed" in these "churches".

    Orthodox icons must have correct hand signals.

    Correct blessing hand means Alpha and Omega


    Iesus Christous (Jesus Christ in Greek and Church Slavonic).

    Incorrect hand signals are signifying the antichrist.

    Also, do you see the scrolls on the Orthodox icons?

    They will be opened when antichrist will be coming to town.

    These scrolls will reveal everything about the antichrist.

    Note also, calendar must be Orthodox, not Roman Catholic.

    During the 8th "wolf" Council, antichrist will kill those priests who

    disagree with him. Other priests will worship him when a bird dies at

    his feet.

    Pelageya of Ryazan said that there will only be seven churches left in the end days.

    Vaccines, IVs, tooth fillings/implants, cosmetics, medicaments, certain foods and drinks, etc. contain nanochips and/or cells of aborted fetuses; intake of which leads to demon possession.

    Give back your documents to the gov't and live in Ural Mountains or Alaska.

    Heresy leads to loss of love. Rapture is a heresy. You have to hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. Reject globalism, UFOs, documents, vaccines, ecumenism, cities, technology, etc.

    The only true Christians are people who rejected mark of the beast documents and drink blood of Jesus.

    Note, some churches serve antichrist's blood. So, choose wisely.

    Read the Book of Revelation.

    It's all clear now anyway if you have wisdom to

    understand that 2 elongated lines on a barcode is a 6.

    Each barcode has 3 double elongated lines.

    Hence, it spells 666.

    Barcode on documents leads to temporary hell.

    Barcode on one's body by isotope rays leads to permanent hell.

    According to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, 666ed people will

    first hide the green 666 with durags and long sleeves, but then openly will walk

    with shiny green 666 on their foreheads or wrists.

    The Most Holy Trinity gives you a name during baptism.

    Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism.

    Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security.

    People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell;

    but those who receive green 666 (given with World Passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell.

    How not to go to hell?

    Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast

    by writing to appropriate authorities.

    If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times).

    If you wrote to the gov't three times about it, but gov't refused, then The Most Holy Trinity

    will not send you to hell.

    Don't take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it).

    Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell.

    All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ or sign themselves with sign of the cross during WW3 will be saved. War in Ukraine will last two years (2014 - 2016). Then WW3 will start. Then Tsar (revealed by resurrected Seraphim of Sarov) will come to power in Russia to protect people from the antichrist. Antichrist will allow all sin. Don't sin. The Most Holy Trinity is merciful but 666 is not forgivable. 666 is given with grey plastic card.

    Food stores, prisoners, and police will 666 people too. Don't get new documents. Don't get any surgeries. Don't eat meat. Don't eat fast food. Don't eat junk food. Pray the Jesus prayer.

    Don't go into UFO to be healed by evil demons. Feed the pigeons. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael. Reject vaccines. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape mark of the beast; leave all electronics behind so that you can't be tracked.

    Antichrist's next target is the Statue of Liberty.

    One big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse.

    You use your spirit to talk to The Most Holy Trinity.

    Demons attack soul and body.

    Demons live inside clones. Jesus died for all sins committed by all.

    Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.

    All people have soul, body, and spirit.

    In animals, blood substitutes soul.

    That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood.

    Animals don't have spirit.

    You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.

    You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.

    Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.

    One can receive mark of the beast because of cats; so, stay away from cats.

    Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Since antichrist (born to a 12th generation prostitute, flying, big-nailed, gloved, pale-faced, red-eyed, Satan-possessed since he's 12 years old, homosexual man from the tribe of Dan, who wears blue robe over left shoulder while red/pink robe is underneath just like Jesus, and is surrounded by demons but people see angels of light) is around, there is no need for disputes. Forgive me.

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