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Atheists, evolutionists, and other who reject GOD, why do prisons exist?

Every time I ask if there is absolute right and/or wrong, many of you say that there is not.

What is right for me could be wrong for you and what is wrong for me could be right for you, everything is objective.

If that is correct then how can anything be absolutely wrong to the point that the person doing it has to be punished for it?

If we are just animals in pants (or skirts for the females) then why do we have jails and prisons when no other animals do?


I am sure that many of you will try to fall back on same old tired claim "If you are only good because you fear a god then you must be a really bad person." Yawn...

I am not good because I fear GOD(YHVH), I try to good to others because I like to help them and want to be nice. Why should I fear GOD(YHVH)?

10 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    People collectively decide and then agree on what is right and what is wrong, as expressed through their legislative bodies which pass laws. If there were a universal standard of what is right and what is wrong, every country and society in the world would have exactly the same laws. But they don't. That countries throughout the world often have SIMILAR laws is simply the result that all humans evolved in pretty much the same way. We are after all one species!

    Prisons exist as a result of laws and judicial systems in the societies that collectively decided on and agree on what they think is right and wrong. Even within such societies the application of laws and punishment is not uniform across the population: Some people are punished more than others for the same infractions.

    Therefore the existence of ideas about right and wrong, and the existence of prisons, in no way prove the existence of a god such as the ones described in holy books written by humans.

  • 5 years ago

    why do prisons exist?

    - For fundies who read the bible, follow it and think that this life has nothing to do with them.

    Every time I ask if there is absolute right and/or wrong, many of you say that there is not.

    - There is but it has to do with thinking, intelligence and evolution. It is not a simple black or white answer.

    What is right for me could be wrong for you

    - That is the brain dead fundie looking for the black or white aspect.

    If that is correct

    - It isn't, which is why everything you say next is absurd.

    how can anything be absolutely wrong to the point that the person doing it has to be punished for it?

    - They are called laws, look it up.

    If we are just animals in pants (or skirts for the females) then why do we have jails and prisons when no other animals do?

    - Because other animals have more intelligence than you.

  • 5 years ago

    It seems the that in the USA prisons are built for Christians judging from the prison population....

    You make a big mistake when you try to equate morality with religion.

    There is no such thing as as an "evolutionist". That shows your low education. And BTW, there is no god to reject....

  • 5 years ago

    Because human societies with an interest with their own self-preservation tend to isolate those members who violate their rules and threaten the stability of that society.

    Why would anyone think that was a difficult question?


    It's true that we are the only animals that have jails. But if you think we are the only social species that remove disruptive members, you need to go back to school. Grade school, preferably.

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  • Connie
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    You just answered your own question. If a person doesn't contribute to a society,he she is rejected. This is why god is rejected.

  • Animals consistently remove those from their packs/herds/etc that don't contribute or violate social customs in some way.

    Yet another fail for you.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    We live in an organized society with governments and laws. If you need a god to have right and wrong and laws, why do different states and countries have different laws?

  • 5 years ago

    absolute right and wrong have nothing to do with whether or not supernatural beings and magic exist.

    why don't religious people just say that they believe that a supernatural being made everything using a magic which we have never observed and have no idea how it works...

  • 5 years ago

    Animals don't know how to build jails. So they just beat each other up or deny others food.

  • 5 years ago

    We need someplace to put all of the Christians who commit murder, steal, rape, and otherwise violate the laws of society.

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