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Do Democrats fear Trump?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they've made that very clear. They know they can't beat him, they know the traditionally Democrat blue collar voters are lost for the next several election cycles if he wins. Trump is their worst nightmare come true.

  • 5 years ago

    All I can say , is that if Putin is rooting for Trump, then you know its not going to turn out well. If our special ally, the UK think Trump is a buffoon and bigot, then you know its not going to turn out well. For Dems, they win either way. If Clinton wins then its a straight out win. If Trump wins, you can be sure the Senate will flip and the House will swing back a huge way to Dems. Trump then sinks in the Whitehouse and completely demoralizes the GOP and Tea Party, leading to a HUUUUGE win for Dems in 2010. So, on balance ; NO!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A little, surprisingly. Would like to think he is too far out there to be a credible candidate, but realize that the American voters do not always vote intelligently. With Sarah's support, he has the corner of the idiot block of voters, and they have been know to win on occasion. Remember GWB won EVEN AFTER he took the nation to war with the wrong country, and the reasons for it all turned out to be false.

    As a nation, we can be gluttons for punishment.

  • 5 years ago

    Fear lol. Remember back when Michelle Bachman won the Iowa straw poll It was fear Bachman. Then Fear Santorum. Then look out Fear Christie he may run. Earlier in this election it was FEAR Walker. Then Fear Carson. Romney won a debate FEAR Romney lol. How did all those fears turn out for ya? You remind me of that one kid in school that always challenged everybody to some game but no one ever played him because they knew they would beat him but the first thing out of his mouth if you said no was "Why ya scared" Fear lol. Oh and don't forget FEAR Palin when Mccain named her his running mate.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago We LAUGH at Trump, and thank our lucky stars Jeb Bush or Scott Walker ISN'T going to be the nominee

  • 5 years ago

    No. They want him to be president.

    Democrats say "no", but they really mean yes.

    It's like when you're spanking a woman, and she's going "no,no," but you keep doing it beceause she likes it.

    That's what the republicans are doing to the democrats.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If I met him in person, I would call him a Dbag to his face.

  • 5 years ago

    with every hair on their body

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