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If perception is the one tool that we have to realizing reality within, what makes it a hindrance instead?

Reality within, i mean the true-self, the truth of what we really are.

26 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The inability to change your perception in light of fresh inputs/ experience may be hindrance.

  • 5 years ago

    Big "If"! If you are relying on your perception it's a very limiting tool. It's like trying to make sense of the World using Google's Street View. It gives some indication but doesn't reflect the dynamics, and it doesn't let you see all the places you want to look.

    Perception only allows you to build a model of external reality internally. It provides a measure for you get a foothold in existance. It provides you with a limited vocabulary to ask questions. Reality within is a function of mind and attitude, and the particular model you build for yourself.

    This isn't the whole story though. There is much, much, more to true-self. Back to the insane person locked up in the basement, the subconcious, the unseen, unknown part of you. That is a dangerous door to unlock and, curious as you may be if you do, you aren't going to like what you see! Just hope that your perception doesn't do it for you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Big "If"! If you are relying on your perception it's a very limiting tool. It's like trying to make sense of the World using Google's Street View. It gives some indication but doesn't reflect the dynamics, and it doesn't let you see all the places you want to look.

    Perception only allows you to build a model of external reality internally. It provides a measure for you get a foothold in existance. It provides you with a limited vocabulary to ask questions. Reality within is a function of mind and attitude, and the particular model you build for yourself.

    This isn't the whole story though. There is much, much, more to true-self. Back to the insane person locked up in the basement, the subconcious, the unseen, unknown part of you. That is a dangerous door to unlock and, curious as you may be if you do, you aren't going to like what you see! Just hope that your perception doesn't do it for you.

  • 5 years ago

    That is a significant question worth examining. It hardly ever occurs to even the most prominent intellectuals to question the mind, perception and intellect, rather than truth, reality and existence.

    The mind cannot comprehend 'Truth' and 'Reality', as is, and thus relies on perception which is has a limited range of registering everything there is within existence. It is restricted to the parameters of sequential observation and the linear paradigm of material form and 'content' (specifics and details), and cannot register the nonlinear realm of formless 'context' (meaning and significance).

    Although practical to the linear domain, which is only the superficial surface of existence, the mind and perception defines 'appearance' but cannot discern 'essence'. The observable physical paradigm of form and content is only a marginal 4% of the entire universe. The remaining 96% is nonlinear and intangible "dark" energy and matter. At best, the mind and perception can merely 'approximate'.

    Not only is perception limited to the linear and sequential observation of material form and content, is view everything through the prism of "duality" (the idea of conflicting polar extremes persisting in conflict). The mind prioritizes and files form and content into a hierarchy of abstract thought in the imagination, then projects the artificial, compartmentalized reality externally on to the world, taking it to have inherent existence.

    The mind presume that everything is dualistically subject to a "beginning" and "end", because, to perception, material form does not last. The mind and intellect tend to forget that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only made to change form. Therefore, existence is eternal and uncaused. What the mind is actually observing is the linear progression of sequential change, as unmanifest potentiality fulfills itself and emerges as the manifest, when conditions are optimal; basically a 'this' becoming a 'that'.

    Beyond the parameters of the mind, there is no "this or that", to be "here or there" within "now or then", because everything is infinitely unified where 'this' is 'that', 'here' is 'there', and 'now' is 'then'. There isn't any dualistic split or separation. Everything, everywhere, exists in the timeless expression of Forever and Always. The mind projects names, labels and description upon that which inherently has none, and confines it to it's limited paradigm.

    The world the mind observes and experience is perception mistaken to be Reality. In Reality, the mind only observes and experiences the senses, which are modified electrical signals and impulses transmitted to the brain through the nervous system. The mind cannot perceive and register the entire range frequencies resonating in the universe, thus perception compresses the particle/waveforms (light, matter, energy) it can into the form and content we observe in the material world.

    The East has had a long held tradition of understand this subject through Spiritual Mysticism passed down for many thousands of years. It is taught that Enlightenment (Spiritual Awakening, Illumination, God/Self-Realization, Nirvana, etc.) is reveal when the mind is transcend and abandoned for good. Because the West is more material and mechanical in it's thinking these concepts seem unfamiliar and are often met with skepticism.

    Recent discoveries in the fields of Physics and Quantum Mechanics are only just now discovering what ancient

    Sanskrit text have revealed thousands of years ago. Experts have been finding that existence cannot be accurately described in familiar terminology at the subatomic and quantum level. It just hasn't caught on in the mainstream yet. Truth, Reality and Existence is all there ever is, as that which is 'not-true' and 'unreal' has no existence.

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  • 5 years ago

    At point A is 'you' (what I think you mean by inner reality), at point B, you mind, C is your senses, and D the external world

    Between A-B is the perception you ask about, between B-C part of your nervous system, C-D your skin. There is perception going on between and through all these points, when you look at at a sunset, thats A perceiving through B and C out to D. The mind is where it gets tricky, it wants to critique all perceptions, regardless of their direction/origin. So in trying to percieve the source of perception, A, the mind,B, distorts A by quantifying, labeling, just noticing and etc, and recreates A to the standards of B, or interms B can comprehend. But this recreation is not the same as A. Perception is like a current running between A,B,C AND D. Fused. And thats the real you also. Or inner reality. Conscious will directs it to be localized at one point, in which case its a hinderance. Its like, if you TRY to perceive the truth, you miss the point. ...clear as mud?

  • 5 years ago

    Because language is arbitrary. 'To understand' is to correctly match different symbols together that may have no physical relation or 'truth' to it at all. Language can only ever exist 'as language', meaning that any 'ultimate truth' can never escape language.

    Why is it a hinderance? Because perception is a manmade construct, linguistically understanding events and experiences does not offer anything more than the acquisition of knowledge.

    Knowledge can be power, which might advance you within the social world, but mentally the acquisition of language as knowledge is not a survival instinct, therefore it is not guaranteed to help you

  • joe
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This isn't the whole story though. There is much, much, more to true-self. Back to the insane person locked up in the basement, the subconcious, the unseen, unknown part of you. That is a dangerous door to unlock and, curious as you may be if you do, you aren't going to like what you see! Just hope that your perception doesn't do it for you. . if i tell you that you will live forever as soon as you find love, what would you say? that you would see in time even if you know you are already in love, right? but how do you live forever looking for something you already may have but only have a finite amount of memory to hold on to.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Well, perception is NOT a tool to realizing reality within.

    Perception is the one way we experience reality.

  • 5 years ago

    Maya is a term used in Hinduism and Indian philosophy which, depending on the context, can have multiple meanings. In earlier older language, it literally implies extraordinary power and wisdom, in later Vedic texts and modern literature dedicated to Indian traditions, Maya connotes a "magic show, an illusion where things appear to be present but are not what they seem".

    In Indian philosophies, Maya is also a spiritual concept connoting "that which exists, but is constantly changing and thus is spiritually unreal", and the "power or the principle that conceals the true character of spiritual reality"

  • 5 years ago

    "If perception is the one tool that we have to realizing reality within"

    Meaning 1: perception, the only tool for realizing (experiencing) the reality WE ARE WITHIN.

    "If perception is the one tool that we have to realizing reality within"

    Meaning 2: perception, is the only tool for realizing OUR INNER REALITY.

    "If perception is the one tool that we have to realizing reality within"

    Meaning 3: perception is the one tool we have to experience THE OUTSIDE WORLD ON OUR INSIDE.

    NOTHING in the rest of your question gives me a clue which (if any) of these you mean by that gibberish sentence.

    1. I disagree

    2. Perception does not describe our inner reality

    3. What does that even mean?

    Since none of the possible meanings I can extrapolate for your first non-English sentence actually SAYS anything I can't answer the rest of your question.

    Source(s): Callm and tolerance of new ideas are unrelated. Irritation is not a perception. Containing emotions (i. e. stoicism) is a failed philosophy. There is no thought that is not interpretation. The "self" is an illusion, the skeptic term "true self" is just hogwash. When you say "but what is the true ____" you are saying you have rejected my answer up front, which is the opposite of "The inability of our mind to stay calm and be tolerant to new ideas" You snarkily complained about my answer whic speaks volumes about you inability to do what you are claiming to want: an ability to hear other ideas impartially.
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