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? asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 5 years ago

Applying for West Point?

I m a junior in high school. My ***. GPA is 3.99. Haven t taken an ACT/SAT yet. My counselor took me aside and asked me about joining one of the military academies (West Point/Naval Academy/Air Force). She stressed that I have good morals, don t do anything illegal, and am very gifted mentally. She also said it would get me a free college education. And she mentioned that people going straight to West Point don t do basic training. First, I m wondering if someone can verify all of that. And 2nd, I have some questions.

1. How hard is the physical training/requirements? Running wise, I should be good. I run marathons and am running all the time. That should be fine. But I m worried about the strength portion. What would be a good training regimen to prepare for that?

2. I know I d be registered military after this, but what are the chances of getting deployed? And am I in anyway obligated to attend drills one weekend a month (my sister is National Guard, and she has to.)? I wouldn t mind it, but I m just wondering.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, you don't do enlisted basic training if you go to West Point, but you do their equivalent the first summer you get there, Beast Barracks, which is probably worse. Then you get to be a Plebe.

    1. It's the Army. The regular Army PT standards can be googled (and you should be shooting for the high end of that). West Point's PT test is probably harder (I went to USAFA and can vouch that their PT test is a lot harder than the rest of the Air Force). Start doing push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and similar exercises. Something like P90X would be a good program.

    2. You're not exactly using the right terminology. Unless you show up at West Point before your 18th birthday, you still have to register for selective service when you turn 18. Your chances of getting deployed depend on what wars we are in 6-10 years from now.

    No, you don't attend drill, because you will owe the Army 5 years (minimum) on active duty. That means 365 days a year. I'm hoping you understand that West Point itself is 4 years of full time military, too.

    You really need to do some more research. My guess is that you haven't even googled West Point's webpage. That should have been your first step in researching the place (hell, even Wikipedia is a better start than here).

  • The physical requirements are about the same as joining the military, this isn't some short cut which allows you to skip being in shape. You don't do basic, but you do go through "cadet basic training" and are in physical conditioning during your entire time at West Point. This isn't like college, except you're taking a full course load.

    Your chance of being deployed is high. The days of serving in the military stateside are largely over. As for drills one weekend a month, you're joining the military, this is a full time job. The National Guard is a hobby, a part time job. You'll be committing to at least five years of active duty after graduation.

  • 5 years ago

    If you decide to go the Academy route here is you plan.

    1. Your best route is to receive a nomination for your state's US Senators. Write them a letter today indicating your interest in an Academy appointment and asking for their support between BEFORE you begin you Senior year in HS.

    2. Submit your formal request to the Senators BEFORE you begin your senior year in HS.

    3. Ask for "letters of recommendation" from the teachers, ministers, coaches, counselors, businessmen, etc., that you know, and include them in your letters to the US Senators.

    4. Participation in sports team activities is important because it indicates a competitive spirit.

    5. Participation is community civic groups is important because it indicates a willingness to serve.

    6. If you graduate from one of the academies you will be assigned to an operational unit. KNOW THIS!!! Although you have graduated from an academy you WILL NOT know the ins-and-outs of daily military operations. So here's what you do. Sit down with your new units top NCO (probably an NCO with 20-30 years experience) and admit to him/her that you are "green" and ask him to keep you advised when you are, or aren't, doing things the way they should be. Even though you will outrank him he will likely respect you for recognizing his experience and help you be a good and successful officer.

    How do you stack up when compared to other newly admitted cadets? See these"

    Air Force:



    A military career can provide a type of lifetime satisfaction than no civilian will ever know.

    Good luck.


    Major, Sqdn Cmdr, USAF, 1960-74

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    West Point is active duty. Full time. Not one weekend a month. Every single day.

    It really doesn't sound like you have the drive and determination it takes to get accepted.

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  • Mrsjvb
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    homey child the entire summer BEFORE classes start is the BEGINNING of basic training and it last ALLLLL through the entire year. in Annapolis, the only way to stop being a Plebe is to decorate Herndon with a OC cover. and before they let you try they cover the whole thing in Lard.

    1: google is a wonderful resource.

    2: 10000000% percent if you accept a commission. furthermore every summer while attending is taken up with in the field experiences/training. you would be ACTIVE DUTY with a minimum obligation of up to ten years depending on what designation you are selected for

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    if you still want the college atmosphere, you can enroll in ROTC. you go to college, attend classes, and in the summer months, you'll train with the military. it usually is less stressful then going to an academy. but, when you graduate college, and complete training, you'll serve active duty as an officer for at least five years.

    but, through the ROTC, it is a scholarship sponsored by the military to help pay for college, similar to getting into the academy. any counselor at your school should have info on ROTC colleges near you.

    otherwise, just enlist in the military with your high school diploma after graduation, serve four years, then use the GI Bill to help pay for college. you'd attend basic training for around nine weeks, and train and earn job experience. it doesn't have to be a combat job, as they have IT, health care, business, logistics, intel, security, vehicle maintenance, and other jobs you could get. depending on the job and experience you'd earn, you may not need a college degree to get a decent job after your service is done if you find something similar.

    you could still go to college though after your four to six years of enlistment, and use the GI Bill to help pay for most, if not all for it. the user - Wine Wine, used his GI bill and earned a couple of degrees.

    I would implore all options to help pay for college instead of just looking into the academies. then decide before you choose something you may regret.

    good luck.

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