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i am begining to believe in god but with some specific criteria, do you agree with this?

basically we have to remove all current religeon from the equation, and we cant be blinded by science.

the way i see it, and BTW, im the first to admit its a guess and i might be wrong, but here goes.

1- the universe exists

2- life exists

3- nobody cant explain to me in terms i can understand how this came to be.

4 - our current notions of god are more often than not plain stupid - lets kill people who dont believe/are gay/believe something else. i doubt an imnipitant being would care about that

5 - science cant explain the origin of the universe, sorry guys but the big bang theory is just a theory and even at that it only attempts to explain events AFTER the creation of the universe.

6 - we dont know what life is really, i mean our true selves, sentient and aware.

so with all this im thinking - there likely could be a bigger being, but its more like a parent to us children. we are immature compared to it and not ready for the knowledge it currently has. we dont worship our parents though, we respect them, parents dont punish children for faults they dont understand, they educate or leave the child to learn on its own, and parent never expect a child to run around proclaiming that their parents are the best and screw everyone who doesnt agree.

break it down to the basics and i think we could be on to something. but i guarantee i get abuse for this idea


Typos are not great in this, my browser was jumpin about for some reason, sorry to the grammar nazi's

11 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You ask some very deep questions. This is not a very good format for asking such questions. I do like your first three questions. Yes, according to the dominant theory in the physics world, the universe had a descret beginning with the Big Bang and is headed towards an end.

    The problem does not lie with your own intellect as some suggest. Modern science has no good way to explain the notion that our universe has a beginning and and end. What existed before the beginning? What caused the beginning? We don't know because we have no information about what happened "before." Science and the scientific method come up short when there is nothing to observe or measure. Or you can have blind faith that science will answer all questions.

    I am not given over to blind faith.

    I do not approach the world with preconcieved notions like God exists or there must be a rational explanation for everything. Ask yourself, can science explain everything about the human experience or is there something more? These are questions only you can answer for yourself. Ignore the Peanut Gallery. Make up your own mind.

    I have.

    Source(s): Scientist, spiritualist, gifted intuitive, and rational person. I see no conflict.
  • Hal
    Lv 7
    5 years ago


    I'm very happy to tell you that the New Testament explains to us that we are *not* punished for what we do not understand -- Romans chapter 2, and John 9:41 "“If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say, ‘We see,’ your guilt remains.". It is not lack of understanding that will condemn anyone on that day of accounting, but actual knowing acts of wrong that will matter. Yet, the accumulated wrongs, slights, insults, judgements, little things, that add up, are so much, that we need forgiveness. And *that* is available through Jesus Christ.

    I understand how the Universe evolved and how it works, through physics, and am familiar with several hypotheses in physics of how this Universe came into existence, though these are far more speculative of course.

    But....I don't believe in God as a way to answer questions about the Universe, about physics -- though I find cosmology and physics and astrophysics so interesting that I have followed them for decades now.

    Instead, I know God exists because I did not shut myself off from Him by asserting He could not exist, and I sought Him, actively. "Seek and ye shall find"

    And He made a way for me to find Him, and now I have come to have many kinds of confirmation He exists so that I know He is real just like I know the sun is real. Direct personal experience, like feel sunlight on your face, or cut your finger, or understand a complex math equation, feel love in your heart, or suddenly understand something. First hand experience. You can have this too.

    We shouldn't believe as a science theory. Real faith will not be some specific theory of creation, small details. That's not it. That's *not* the 'faith' that will gain us salvation. Christ is the Way.

    We can grow into the real thing, faith, by seeking God, and learning from Christ, and doing as He said, and realizing His truth. Beliefs founded on "sand" will fall when the wind and rain and waves come, but we can build our faith on the "rock", as Christ told us to do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    "1- the universe exists"


    "2- life exists"


    "3- nobody cant explain to me in terms i can understand how this came to be."

    Logical fallacy - argument from incredulity/argument from ignorance

    "4 - our current notions of god are more often than not plain stupid - lets kill people who dont believe/are gay/believe something else. i doubt an imnipitant being would care about that"


    "5 - science cant explain the origin of the universe, sorry guys but the big bang theory is just a theory and even at that it only attempts to explain events AFTER the creation of the universe."

    Logical fallacy - argument from incredulity/argument from ignorance

    "6 - we dont know what life is really, i mean our true selves, sentient and aware."

    So say 'we don't know', not 'goddidit'.

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    So because you don't understand something, your own imaginary friend made the universe? No, I do not agree. Your imaginary friend is no more likely than the gods people imagined up in the iron age or stone age. It's just you projecting yourself.

    "just" a theory? gravity is "just" a theory. Germ theory is "just" a theory. Pythagorean theorem is "just" a theorem. Don't be daft. Sorry, but there's evidence for what you're dismissing. Your problem is that you require gaps for your god of the gaps. And those gaps are disappearing, so you paint yourself into the corner and end up promoting ignorance.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Jesus Christ who is God in the Flesh our Creator and Savior.. He is the one and only True God and Religion, He deserves our Very best. As far as Evolution and Science go? HE IS BOTH... Now lets talk about His Moral conduct.His Judgments in the Old Testament were Righteous.. Look at it this way, Somebody is killing and burning Babies and even Adults to a God you do not know and could care less about their GOD. As a Judge of these practices you warn them over and over for Hundreds of Years. "Stop what your doing, Or I will judge you very harshly" They laugh at you, They mock you, They swear at you, Spit in your face. And if you should send them one of your dearest friends? They KILL Him.. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Now this answers your entire question. Also keep in mind that no one knows GOD entirely.. Won't happen until we reach Heaven. Christians that is.. I sure hope this clears all this up for you? If not Please let me Know.... !

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Science has Confirmed the BIBLE over and Over!

    It is the Atheists that even though science has found everything Fake in Atheism; they refuse to look! How did the Atheist's theory of their once no-sex world (like worms still are) suddenly all be able to split in haves with one side male and the other side female, to be all there is now - they have zero proofs! Even Zero idea on how it could have come to be!!

    GO is LOVE!

    Atheists can Not feel any Love at all! Atheist live their life with only Lusts for only what each ones of them separately wants! Never caring for others! ...

  • 5 years ago

    no I don't agree.

    3- nobody cant explain to me in terms i can understand how this came to be. all this means is that you are uneducated. either learn or get off the pot.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You need educating and a large dose of reality.

    You're too ill informed to be talking cults and beliefs.

  • 5 years ago

    You are still jumping to :

    I don't know therefore god! So you still have a very simple logical fallacy no matter how much you dress it up!

  • ennui
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No, I don't agree, and your #3 might just have the answer to your problem...

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