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Lv 6

Is Christianity inherently authoritarian?

12 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You could say that God is authoritarin, just not in the way we think of it because He does not possess flaws as human authoritarins do. He is the perfect authority.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No. Not even a little. If you go back to original (LIKE WHAT JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF SAID) Christianity is not authoritarian. But you barbaric Muslims and viscous, mean spirited atheists don't care about that so give me a thumbs down you ignorant savages.

  • 5 years ago



    True worshippers respect the Bible as God’s Word. They strive to live by its principles. So true religion differs from religion that is based on men’s ideas. (Matthew 15:7-9) True worshippers do not preach one thing and practice another.—Read John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

    A Christian gives a Bible discourse. He later preaches about God’s Kingdom, assists with disaster relief, helps the elderly.

    Jesus’ true followers honor God’s name, Jehovah. Jesus honored God’s name by making it known. He helped people to know God and taught them to pray that God’s name be sanctified. (Matthew 6:9) Where you live, which religion makes God’s name known?—Read John 17:26; Romans 10:13, 14.

    True Christians preach about God’s Kingdom. God sent Jesus to preach the good news of the Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is the only hope for mankind. Jesus continued speaking about it until his dying day. (Luke 4:43; 8:1; 23:42, 43) He said that his followers would preach about it. If someone approaches you to speak about God’s Kingdom, to which religion does he likely belong?—Read Matthew 24:14.

  • mark h
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    God is Sovereign.

    There is no idea more authoritarian than that.

    Hope that helps.

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  • 5 years ago

    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

    Wow! You think that authoritarian?

  • 5 years ago

    Yes it is. And God is at the head.

    The only reason he allowed his people to have a monarchy is cuz they wouldnt stop bitching about one. God finally caved and said fine. Have a king.

    Alot of good that did everyone

  • 5 years ago

    The Answer = Yes ... Fully and completely, just plain yes.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No DICTATORIAL, INTOLERANT; UNDEMOCRATIC; not to forget bigoted, homophobic and persecuting to anyone that dares beleive differently to themselves!

  • 5 years ago

    I think so yes, given the kind of god the Bible describes.

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