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What is a bad Christian?

Is it possible for a person practicing Christianity to be "bad"? Misguided , yes, but the very definition of being a Christian , is that not something good? See 1Corinthians 13:4-13

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    2 scriptures Acts 20:29,30 also 2 Peter 2:12 these were true back then and are true today. Many times we will see on TV where religious leaders life styles are bad and they are cheating on their wives and spending money on things they should not. And many other bed things. Yet how can they expect members of their churches not to do the same. So a bad Christian is one who practises things God doesn't approve of. A list of things that make Christians bad is at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 verse 11 shows they have to stop doing these things and clean themselves and follow Jesus. The scripture says that is what you were. So change is needed.

  • 5 years ago

    Some Christians clearly do some bad things. Peter disowned Jesus 3 times. That was really bad! Yet Jesus knew that would happen, and said Peter would be restored, because He had prayed for Peter, that Satan would not have him despite his denial.

    Although the verses in 1 Corinthians 13 describe the qualities of love that Christians are expected to display, we all know that most Christians fail to live up to that high standard all of the time. However, the key point is that love is part of the fruit of the Spirit. All Christians are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, who works in believers to make them more Christ-like, and Christ was the epitomy of love. However, we are all works in progress, with times when we can slide back in our walk with the Lord. Those dark stages will be devoid of the love of Christ.

    It is bad when we slide back like that. We grieve the Holy Spirit. Yet He does not give up on us! He convicts us of our sin (lovelessness in this case) so that we repent and then He begins to restore us. The issue here is hardness of heart, for a Christian needs to have a tender, loving heart. The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Some of us need more practice before attaining perfection. Some would say all of us.

    Inhuman cruelties have been, are, and will be done in the name of the Christian God. This inconvenient observation can be brushed away by saying such people are not really Christians, but I would prefer to understand the meaning of scripture is such that such verbal gymnastics are not required.

  • 5 years ago

    It is possible for a Christian to be bad because there is still sin among us and like the bible said, there is no one truly righteous but God. And being a true Christian means that you will have to live like Jesus, be like Him, have His likeness. For Jesus is God in flesh and He is the best example for us to learn from him to restore the way we are in the first place God created us. Being a Christian is really great and it sets you free!! Praise the lord! :)

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  • 5 years ago

    In the Bible you have two guys in the old testament we can compare and I find this is a good example on many levels, Abraham and Lot. Abraham father of faith friend of God had great faith and obedient faith. He also had a few failures too. Paul writes Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. That is his faith is what removed his sin and made him righteous. His faith also caused him to lead a great life to. Now we get to Lot who did nothing good in the whole scripture and he is seen as drifting towards Sodom and eventually is in the center of the city. He is told to flee and delays running and his sons in law thought he was joking. He ends up getting drunk and fathering two sons with his own daughters. Yet in Hebrews it says righteous Lot was grieved by what he saw. You see Lot had the faith to also be declared righteous and yet there is much failure in his life. By coming to the LORD we all have a clean slate and are adopted and given a promise of eternal life. What we do with this new life will certainly effect our reward in heaven but we all get the benefits upon belief. Yes there are plenty of poor Christians.

  • 5 years ago

    Being a Christian is something good, but no-one is perfect. All human beings, including Christians, do sin. Which is why Jesus Christ gave the priests of His Church the power to minister His forgiveness, telling them, "Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven them".

  • 5 years ago

    Well, you can start with 90% of the prison population.

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