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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 5 years ago

Why don't liberals understand that transgendered men, even those with lumberjack beards, ought to be forced by law to use women's restrooms?

If they were born as women, they belong in women's restrooms. Regardless of how much they look and act like men. End of story.

12 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Being forced to do anything is emotionally traumatic. Haven't you ever been forced to do something that made you intensely uncomfortable, or scared, or you thought was wrong? Besides, if I'm in a restroom, and some guy, or someone who looks like a guy walks in, wouldn't I kind of freak out? Some trans people are obvious, but a lot of them can pass as other really well. But outer genitals is not the only thing that makes someone female or male. Amounts of testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, also have a huge effect, for example. Trans people are those whose outer and inner characteristics and development stopped in transition- they are not consistently male or female on both the outside and inside. 99.9% of trans people are not trying to perv on you in the bathroom. They are trying to keep their heads down, not be bothered and escape before anyone can hassle them one way or the other. Violence against trans people is huge. They are way more scared of you than vice versa. It may make you uncomfortable, but that argument was used in support of segregation, of keeping women out of colleges, the military and other all-male institutions, etc. Your discomfort does not mean that you can terrorize people who already suffer so much. Nobody chooses to be trans. It's not fun being afraid, or being yelled at and called names, or being rejected by your family and people you thought were your friends. The suicide rate is astronomical. Can you imagine how confusing that would be? To have the brain chemistry of one sex, but the anatomy of another? Have some compassion.

  • 5 years ago

    Seriously? What if a real male lumberjack goes into a women's room, who is going to check? Should post operative trans genders such as Caitlin Jenner be forced to show her birth certificate before using a rest room?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Troll fail.

    A much better question would be why Progressives think that the feelings of less than .01% of the population are more important than the same feelings of approximately 50% of the population. If the .01% should be allowed to be comfortable when they use the restroom, why not the 50%? Generally speaking your rights end where mine begin, and do not enable you to impose yours over mine, ESPECIALLY when the rights in conflict are the SAME rights. This isn't a matter of "forcing" somebody to pee standing up. It is the same sense of privacy and comfort for the 50% that progressives are demanding be catered to for the .01% It is not about hate, or fear, and if you think it is, then so are the wishes of the .01%

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    If it quacks like a duck, for social purposes it is a duck. This is a metaphor, which may prove difficult for your small, anger-inflamed brain.

    Of course one does not like any lawbreaking or shenanigans in bathrooms, it makes me very anxious to use a stall when I think a closeted Republican could suddenly start tapping his foot. But, we survive.

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  • 5 years ago

    They will just end up making a third bathroom for them (billions in renos) that will never get used because there are only like .02% trannies in the world.

  • 5 years ago

    How long until public restrooms have their own security personnel at the door, tasked with verifying everybody's genitalia before they get in?

  • 5 years ago

    Better yet, set up a colony on the moon for them

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    How sad is this.

    Get a life dude.

  • Strega
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Not your story to end.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Real men have p*ssies. Fact. Belch. Fart. I'm a woman dammit!

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