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How can there be design without a designer; does nature have design?


The earth spins on its axis at over 3000 miles an hour, yet we are not thrown off due to gravitational pull, the earth tilts at an angle to give us the seasons which facilitate the paths of nature, no design!!!?

Update 2:

@Reynaldo Weeks: Everything that you see in nature or the universe proves that there is a design and that God exists, Gods nature is personified in creation, look at how animals care for their offspring instinctively, without being told to do so.

Update 3:

You cannot see love, but you can see the effects of love between two people, you cannot see God but you can see the effects of God's love and design in nature itself.

Update 4:

@Seph: Who created the laws of physics, a superior intelligence who can go beyond those laws. God works within the laws of nature which he created anyway to bring about his purpose, but he can also work beyond these laws supernaturally, the word supernatural coming from the words super and natural.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There can't be. Matter is inanimate and insentient. It cannot direct itself.

    >>does nature have design?<<

    Of course it does.

    Take trees for example. We exhale CO2 and they take it in and "breathe out" O2. They are our oxygen generators. They use CO2 for photosynthesis - making their own food.


    None of that could have occurred by chance

    6CO2 + 6H2O ---> C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6O2

    high school chemistry

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Have you ever seen that method of throwing paint blindly at a wall and making art? this is an example of design without a designer, sure a person was involved, but it could just as easily have been say... a field of high energy expanding with slight deviations in density due to quantum fluctuations that went on to create the immense and spectacular universe that we see today.

    does nature have design? sure, the design of unimaginable complexity that is derived from a long process of selection that has occurred over billions of years, this can all be explained by natural means, why complicate things by claiming their is an infinitely complex and powerful intelligent being behind it all? how does that answer anything?


    the seasons are DUE to the earths offset rotation, and nature works according to the seasons, NOT the other way around, its a MASSIVE assumption to simple claim that nature requires the seasons, and that theirfore the seasons are put their for a purpose.

  • Caesar
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Ok the Asgardian one called Odin did it... he is the designer

    All the arguments for designers are weak, and laughable. The Argument from Design is a “God of the gaps” argument. We can’t simply fill the gaps in our knowledge with “God,” for the same reason it was wrong for the ancient Greeks to plug the gaps in their knowledge with “Zeus.”

    Christians argue that complexity implies design, so the complexity of the world implies a Designer. By the Christian’s own logic, then, the Designer must have had a Designer. And that Designer must have had a Designer. And on into infinity, which is absurd... but dont worry we understand why you need those fantasies is nothing complex or designed by a deity.

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    By definition, something cannot be designed without a designer.

    However, perceptions of design in Nature are caused by the human instinct to see intelligence and deliberateness where there may be none.

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  • 5 years ago

    There is no design in nature, just results from the properties of matter and energy. And your rotational speed of the earth is laughable. 1) it is no where near that fast even at the equator. 2) the speed in MPH depends on latitude. At the poles you just rotate.

    No basic understanding or even decent intuition about physics...

    And no understanding or knowledge of biology. Most organisms do not rear their children. They lay their eggs and move on. Bacteria don't even do that and microbes outnumber every other form of life. Also, by cell count you, me, and everybody else is only about 1/10th human cells. Maybe bacteria designed us to provide them protection and mobility. (That's a satire on your poor reasoning - I know you wouldn't get it unless I pointed it out).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The designer doesn't have to be intelligent. For instance you could call the shape of a snowflake an intricate 'design' but it occurs because of the way water molecules bond together and crystallize. In that case the molecules and the forces that hold them together design the snowflake.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    There can be the appearance of design in a system without a designer. This is the case with the natural universe. It operates within certain constraints and physical, chemical, and biological rules; we perceive the results as meaningful patterns.

    The design we see, then, is not in nature itself, but in our perceptions of it. There is a term for this psychological tendency we have: "apophenia"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    It's impossible to have a design without a designer my love. A Christians faith does not stand in the wisdom of men,(e.g 'we are here by sheer luck'. Richard Dawkins) but in the POWER of GOD."

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The human mind recognizes patterns in randomness. Can you demonstrate there is design and not randomness? Is there another reason than design for both narrowness of types and diversity?

    Intuition is often wrong. Major scientific achievement show the unintuitive truthful. It is wrong to trust intuition and question science because of the competitiveness and rigor of science.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Do you see any reason to believe it has design?

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