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LGBT people: what's your stance on political correctness?

5 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    It depends on how you define "political correctness." Based on what I know, it's a term commonly used by the political right to insult the political left. If political correctness is defined as taking measures to assure that people aren't offended, I can't say I disagree with that. I disagree with anybody doing things to purposely offend others. I also understand that certain terms can become offensive and derogatory when constantly used in such a way, so I agree with people taking measures to avoid these words unless a specific person say it doesn't bother him or her. However, I do understand that people can find themselves "offended" by anything. With that said, if the person had no intentions of offending that person, I don't think any measures should be taken except for the "offended" person to learn to be less sensitive in certain matters. I also believe that it's noble to take measures to ensure that others aren't offended as long as the truth isn't masked, denied, or altered.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think its gone a little far. online I think its fine, but in real life you'll get an army of hate for using a word like fag, retard, dyke, ******, and ****. I don't use these words as slurs or insults but **** man I want to tell jokes and apparently a racist joke makes you a racist when in fact it was meant to be racist for shock value and humor.

    idk I've gotten a lot of **** in real life for making "offensive jokes" and it pisses me off because some of them are funny as ****. I made a joke comparing someone's car to a rape van and got an email from my school about rape culture and offensive jokes the next day even though everyone who heard it including my teacher laughed.

    basically when it gets in the way of people having a good time and joking around I think that its gone to far. I'm only saying this because I've made jokes about gay people in real life too and been called homophobic by none LGBT people... and I'm gay... I don't tell them that but it shouldn't matter as long as my joke isn't targeting an individual person and is made for the soul purpose of comedy it shouldn't be a problem.

    I just think people need to chill out, maybe smoke a joint, and stop taking everything so seriously. I don't however agree that this should extend to political figures and government officials, or people in their work place in general. a lot of cops make racist jokes and **** during work (between each other) and this should be frowned on but they shouldn't be punished beyond a talking to. when your at work you should just keep your mouth shut and do your job, this applies to mostly everyone. also this doesn't have anything to do with his policy but I think Donald trump should try and be more PC I mean he's running for president. If your running for that position you have to act professionally and take things serious while remembering that you could represent an entire country if your elected. outside of that people can do as they want.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    They're in favor of it but they don't view it as pc, they view it as "being a decent human being" which no that's not what political correctness is

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Honestly I'm pretty loose on it. When people call something "gay" meaning its bad, it doesn't hurt me it just makes them sound dumb. I'm all for offensive gay jokes and find most pretty funny. Although, I do think use of the word f*g is very offensive and should be used cautiously. Other things that don't offend me, but might offend others I try to keep just between my friends.

    Source(s): I'm gay btw
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  • 5 years ago

    the only people who use "politically correct" for anything other than irony are the people who least understand what it means.

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