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I originally joined on July 27, 2008 before my old account was suspended due to report trolls. I’m mighty too complex to explain myself in words opposite the flesh, much less on a Yahoo Answers "about me" space. Still, to summarize myself, hi, I’m Patrisha, a 21-year-old born and raised in the southern region of the United States. I’m extremely shy, even to the point of socializing online. I believe emotions are like the heartbeat, they’re involuntary. If people had the ability to fully control emotion, therapists, mental health facilities, and so-called “mental illnesses” wouldn’t exist. Thus I follow the most important doctrine of my life: to treat others in the fashion I’d like to be treated by any means, even if treated with disrespect. I’m mentally dysfunctional, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, resulting in infinite confusion about life and mental conditions. Still, I stride to answer the unanswered, and build a bridge to cross over life's negativity.

  • LGBT - What is the exact criteria to be considered a genuine transgender person?

    Hi, it's Trish again. It's rare that I ever ask questions these days, but here is something that has been irking me ever since the Bruce Jenner issue and transgender people becoming a trending topic regarding certain laws and policies. This is a legit question too; obviously not "trolling." I'm trying to understand these opposing views, so I hope transgender people and their supporters answer.

    What criteria does a person require to be transgender and/or have gender identity issues? In other words, how can you distinguish a real transgender person from a fake one? Does a person simply have to say that he or she is the opposite sex and/or doesn't feel comfortable with his or her biological sex to be accepted as transgender?

    For example, let's say I no longer feel female. Does this suddenly mean that people are going to suddenly start referring to me as a "he," Patrick M instead of Patrisha M, and help me to my first steps of transitioning instead of questioning why and/or looking for some scientific proof first? For something that is supposedly rooted in science, is it really that simple as to just say it?

  • Pro Wrestling – Can somebody please explain to me why seemingly no wrestler these days can kick out of a roll-up pin?

    Hi, Trish again. Surely I'm not the only one that notices this, am I? I don't recall anybody else saying anything about it. It seems like that wrestlers these days can kick out of everything except a roll-up pin. Why? It's something that been bothering me for a while now. It's seems to be mighty common with this era and kind of makes it a little hard to watch. Maybe the classic "Schoolboy" roll-up pin should be every wrestler's finisher, huh? I mean, it seems to be more effective than nearly everything else.

    5 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • How can I get rid of stinky feet?

    I suffered from stinky feet ever since puberty and despite trying every possible solution, my feet still smell funky today. I recently discovered that many of my family members suffer from excessive sweating to the point where they wet their shirts after exerting themselves. I figure I also inherited the excessive sweating trait, but instead of soaking my shirt, my feet soak instead. For example, when I remove my shoes after work, in which I am often on my feet for over 10 hours, my shoes and socks are like literally soaked in sweat like somebody poured a glass of water in my shoes while I wore them. The same thing even happens when I wear my house shoes at home because I excessively sweat in those too. Of course, the excessive amount of sweat makes them stink like crazy. Because of this, I'm usually embarrassed to remove my shoes around other people, especially strangers, and even more especially attractive men. I tried foot powder, but the sweat drowns it out. I tried foot deodorant, but my sole skin is too sensitive to most brands and the brands that my feet can sustain are eventually overpowered. Don't get me wrong. I am hygienic, bathe daily, and wear clean socks, but the problem isn't with me being clean or not; the problem is with excessive sweating. Thus, what can I do to stop this excessive foot sweating without having doctors inject anything in my feet?

    5 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • Why would my vagina be so overly sensitive and what can be done about it?

    Hi, it's Trish. I am 22 years old and the problem that I'm having is that my vagina seems to be overly sensitive, I believe, but I have no idea what the problem really could be. I experience a weird feeling in my vagina whenever I put something hard in it and bring it in and out. I tried vaginal masturbation for the first time using a marker this morning, which is new to me because during the rare times that I do masturbate, I just rub my clitoris, but I had to stop using the marker because I simply couldn't handle the feeling. The feeling itself is too hard to describe; it feels both pleasurable in a way but unbearable at the same time, if that even makes sense. I'm a virgin, so I highly I doubt I have an STD or some sort of infection and in any case, my vagina seems to be mighty healthy overall because it lubricates well, doesn't itch, doesn't smell, and doesn't emit any type of unusual discharge. I am just afraid that if I do finally get a boyfriend and have sex with him, I definitely would not be able to handle it and would have to pause for a while because of this problem, which could definitely turn him off. Is this normal or should I see a doctor?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Professional Wrestling: What would Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chris Masters, Elijah Burke, JTG and Shelton Benjamin be doing in WWE currently?

    Here's my answer to this question. It depends on whatever the WWE wants them to do. The WWE currently has only a few feuds going on without seemingly any basis. The WWE can simply resolve the majority of the feuds that they currently have and assign these wrestlers with some worthwhile gimmicks. If you can play your gimmick well, then your true mic skills and charisma would show, which would in turn result in your marketability. Then the WWE can create feuds based on those gimmicks. For example, if your gimmick is that of a little dude that specializes in taking down and defeating the big men using technical skill, it's wise to create a feud with a big wrestler that hates the small guys. All you have to do is use your imagination, followed by your critical thinking skills, and then you have yourself some good feuds, storylines, and useful wrestlers.

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerWrestling7 years ago
  • Pro Wrestling – What is a wrestler required to have to be a main eventer to you?

    Hi, it's Trish again. I was just answering a few questions and looking at older questions and answers when I noticed that some people said that certain wrestlers just don't belong in the main event. However, they don't provide any reasons. Therefore, I am just asking this question to know your personal opinions. What do you think a wrestler needs to have to be a main eventer in the big leagues?

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Pro Wrestling - What do you think about Michael Sam appearing on WWE Raw and what do you think his role would be?

    That is, if he accepts the invitation.

    It's pretty much easy to tell that the WWE is only inviting this guy that couldn't make it in the NFL to WWE Raw only because of his gay reputation and an obvious publicity stunt. That's my take, at least.

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Yahoo! Answers: What how is "relevance" determined when sorting questions and answers?

    I see that answers can be sorted by "relevance," ratings, oldest, and newest. What does this site mean by "relevance" and how is it determined?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Is this situation about driving with a learner's permit legal?

    I've been wanting to ask this question for a long time. Picture this scenario. Two girls, college roommates, Girl #1 and Girl #2 go to the club, start partying, and when it's time to go, Girl #2 is so drunk with a blood alcohol level of 0.258, over five times the legal limit, she needs help getting back to the car. Girl #1 didn't even drink, so she's completely 100% sober. The drunk woman, Girl #2, is a licensed driver. Girl #1 wants to be the designated driver so the two can go home safely, but unlike Girl #2, Girl #1 has just a learner's permit, not a driver's license. Girl #1 then drives the two home with Girl #2 in the passenger seat.

    Is it legal for Girl #1 to drive home with Girl #2 that drunk? It's confusing because I'm thinking two things here. One, it's legal because the law says that it's illegal to drive drunk, but Girl #1 is the driver, completely sober, and permitted to drive. Two, I'm thinking it's probably illegal for this to happen because technically, Girl #1 is not licensed to drive. She is PERMITTED TO LEARN [emphasis] how to drive on the road from a licensed driver, but the licensed driver in this case is in no condition to teach her because she's way too drunk.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why can't gays change? How is it impossible?

    I'm straight, but the possibly still exists that I COULD choose to change. All I have to do is find a nice, caring woman that likes women and start dating her. I might not be sexually attracted to her (yet), but her niceness and caring nature towards me could be enough reason to love her and stay with her. I then could make the choice even not to consider men sexually ever again. I could start seeing her niceness and caring nature in a sexual way should I get used to having sex with her and focusing less on the fact she's not a man. Why cant gays do this with the opposite sex?

  • Why wouldn't the proper coaching help professional wrestlers become main eventers?

    When I say "proper coaching," this is exactly what I mean:

    First, think rationally of what professional wrestling is supposed to be and the correct person to represent it. For example, if professional wrestling is supposed to portray people beating the crap out of each other until they win while participating in brutal matches, it's logical to imply that the toughest looking dudes on the roster have the most potential to represent the company.

    Second, uncover what the fans want to see. This could be done in many ways such as through surveys and could be done secretly or obviously. It's wise to do this secretly and cleverly to avoid possible spoilers.

    Third, coach the wrestlers desired to be faces of the company in accordance to what fans want to see based on the survey results. For example, if fans want more technical wrestling, coach your face of the business into adding technical wrestling to his style.

    Fourth, provide your wrestler with an entertaining gimmick based on what the fans want to see based on survey results and improve your wrestler's mic skills accordingly. How to be great on the mic could be learned by watching or learning from other great entertainers.

    Fifth, build these wrestlers up and eventually put them in the main event. If done correctly, the proper coaching should be foolproof because you would have promoted exactly what most of the fans wanted to see.

    This applies to jobbers with potential, not people already successful in the main event.

    3 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • Why are so many black wrestlers looked down upon?

    This isn't something I normally do, but I have to get one thing clear. Please don't believe Dave Hytmen's straw man arguments. I'm no racist, nor did I call anybody racist for disagreeing with me. In fact, I welcome friendly disagreements. He called ME the racist because he disagreed with me, ironically. I don't hate any race, discriminate against them, or think I'm superior to them. Simply saying that black wrestlers are often treated poorly isn't racism. Its just my opinion based on what I observed. I don't take kindly to people blocking me so I can't reply, yet they attack me personally, talk crap about me, and put words in my mouth. I just wanted to get that out there. Anyway, back to the question.

    8 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • How do you think a female/diva WWE: Brawl For All in 2014 would be and why?

    Hi, it's Trish again. Ok, I'm not advocating this, just asking. We all remember the WWF: Brawl For All in 1998. That didn't turn out as planned at all. For those that don't remember, it was a tournament that actually had wrestlers fighting for real similar to MMA. However, let's imagine the divas having this same tournament this year. How do you think this would do and why? Would you watch it? Who do you think would win it?

    5 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • What are the pros and cons of building a promotion around young wrestlers?

    Hi. Trish again. Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating that promotions should do this. I am only asking for opinions. Talented wrestlers come in all ages, no doubt. For example, The Hardy Boyz were in their early and mid-20s when they wrestled in their prime and they were the top draw in the tag team division. Still, most wrestlers are usually in their early 30s when they take the spotlight, with The Rock, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar being a few exceptions. However, let's say that a wrestling promotion wanted to build around young wrestlers, meaning those in their early to mid-20s or so, as their primary drawing talent, just as coaches in other sports tend to focus on younger players. What do you think are the pros and cons of this happening in the wrestling industry?

    4 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • If female wrestlers was hired less on their looks, but more on wrestling ability, would you or the average wrestling fan still respect them?

    Hey, it's Trish again with another question. Many people seemingly dislike the matches with women performing. They call the matches terrible and claim that the women are just models, not true wrestlers like the men. But this is something that I wondered. What if promotions stopped hiring women that looked like models primarily, focused on their talents by hiring female wrestlers based on their prior abilities, and the women also put on matches and cut promos similar to the men? Would these women actually be respected too or would people start saying that the divas have gotten "uglier," still can't wrestle good, or still see them the same way? How do you think YOU would feel about this change personally?

    12 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • What is your favorite and least favorite wrestling theme songs of all time?





    IT’S THE BIG SHOW!!!!!!!"

    Lol, I'm sorry about that. I just love that song "Crank It Up" used by the Big Show and sing along whenever he comes out. Also, Teddy Long's song:

    "You know it's the MacMilitant ... COMIN TO GET IT OOOOOOOOOON!!!

    Lol, I loved that too.

    I honestly can't think of any of my least favorites though.

    What about yours?

    10 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • What do you think about the idea of wrestling championships granting their holders unique privileges?

    Hi, it's Trish again. Um, I remember mentioning this idea in some other question that I answered a while ago, but I don't think many people agreed with it because of the thumbs down it got, but didn't get any explanations as to why they disagreed. So I decided to ask my own question about it to see why you might disagree or even agree if you do. By this, I mean instead of keeping the belts as plain championships to win and wear for no other reason, how about applying unique privileges to each belt? For example, world titleholders could hold something similar to a position of power, kayfabe influence over the business, and get treated like a king at the expense of the promotion. Each title could grant its own privilege to the holder. I personally think that this could open the doorway for better storylines, bring back prestige to all of the titles, and give wrestlers even more reason to win the titles. Kayfabally speaking, to prevent wrestlers from holding on to belts strictly for the power they grant, they could be forced to defend them every week or something like that. Do you agree or disagree with this? If so, please explain why.



    1 AnswerWrestling7 years ago
  • What is this strange pin move done by Rey Mysterio?

    Hi. It's Trish again. I noticed Rey Mysterio do a strange pinning move sometimes during his career. I have no idea what it's called and I tried looking it up to see what it was, but I have no idea. He gets behind his opponent, flips him by lifting his opponent by his arms/hands between their legs, quickly hops over him when he hits the ground, and does a bridging pin by falling back on him. If my description of the move doesn't give you much of an image of what I mean, pay attention to this video. Skip to 6:32 to see the move I'm talking about. What is that move called? Did he invent it? Whatever it is, I love it. It's so awkward!

    2 AnswersWrestling7 years ago