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Jews why aren't you angry about 6 Million Jews being murder and want revenge? Black people don't you want Revenge or all the lynching?

I for one and sickened by this.

Why am I sickened by this

1. Jews are *******/stupid they just let people kill them and fell for the propaganda and got killed.

2. Instead of being. Hey look world, feel bad for us because were Jews. We got killed feel bad. How about screw that. Why don't you be angry for a change. Why do you want revenge for 6 Million of jews of your own race dying and not just dying to die dying in a completely horrific way.

3. Why not gather up an army of Jews to defend ourselves just in case something else happens. It still could.

4. I for one will not be walked over and I don't want no one else's stupid sympathy . I want Revenge Why don't you?

This is why I think Black People and Jews should team up and form our own Axis power. Our own Reich. Get back at the enemy before they get back at us. We have the numbers if we team up.

We need to do this before its to late. Before they are the ones who come to power and no us.

We need our own underground armies to defend ourselves when the time is right.

For when the Nazis rise again. Which will be soon by the way. But this time we can take them all out because will be ready.

Whos down?

9 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyone is down.

    Yes, there should be solidarity by the people against violence and forced changes.

    The new Axis should stop being pushed around in mass migrations.

    Instead of armies to kill each other, the people's armies should cross borders for true support and humanitarian aid.

    Why piss around? Do things in mass numbers!

    Don't hold your breath (in suspended animation and suffering) while politicians cut deals at "secret meetings" determining your fate.

  • TNO
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Concerning Jews:

    For starters, many victims and survivors of the Holocaust decided that the best course was to move on with their lives, and try to pick up as many of the pieces as they could. Simply put, most didn't have time to be angry after the Nuremberg Trials as they had other concerns. Many, for example, were trying to build up the state of Israel, which took up considerable amounts of their attention. In the end, many survivors consider the fact that they built families and livelihoods after the war to be the ultimate revenge against the Nazis.

    Though, there were Nazi hunters that took revenge a bit more traditionally. People hunted down those who escaped the fates they deserved and brought them to justice. Whether they thought them to be threats still to this earth, or simply needed to face their crimes, there were still some who sought out to resolve their anger and seek revenge as you seem to see fit, but the majority of Jews are not described in this way.

    Today, most Jews dissociate the term "German" with "Nazi" as the majority of Germans are born in a post-WWII world and have nothing to do with that group, aside from the fact that they're descendant of people who were. But such morals held up in Nazi Germany have not been passed down, and the German people since then have done thing wrong against the Jews for the most part. As such, why should they be angry at these people?

    Also concerning your first point, I have some objections. The Jews simply don't let themselves be killed - Israel is proof enough of that - but at the time most Jews in the 30s were not cognizant of how the situation could change for the worst. The anti-Semitism we see today wasn't that different from the anti-Semitism they had experienced many times prior, so they didn't see the big problems until it was too late for them to leave.

    As for black people:

    I will say that I can't really speak for black people, but I will give you my impression of their thoughts. Which is to say, that as none of the white people alive today are responsible for lynchings, that they don't hold us responsible for them. Much like the Jews and the Germans of today, most white people alive have no part in that even if some are descendant of people who are. As such, black people tend to not focus on crimes one's ancestors did and many try to tackle issues that are more relevant to today's world. Granted, there are those who do demand some sort of revenge, but they're regarded as radical.

    Jews and black people do not need to form an "axis". I mean, come on, THAT name? Sigh, I would dismiss you as a troll if I didn't know people exactly like this in real life. But I'll tell you the same thing I tell them: We need to all work together - black, white, Jewish, whatever - and work more positively as one.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Americans, why aren't you blood thirsty enraged about Japanese invading pearl harbor?

    Japanese, why aren't you furious and seeking revenge for the bombing of Hiroshima?

    Greeks, why aren't you still trying to avenge yourselves against the Trojan invaders?

    Chinese, why aren't you actively seeking retribution for the Mongol invaders?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You obviously have a very low intellect so I will word it simply for you.

    You are posting drivel, nonsense, hatred and racism based on yourself being a nasty piece of work.


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  • 5 years ago

    How are you going to exact revenge against people who are already dead?

  • G C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The past is past. Today is today. Nobody here killed Jews or hung blacks.

  • 5 years ago

    Well, I'll notify them and let you know when they reply.

  • 5 years ago

    Sounds like you ate too much spider poop.

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