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ℂelsius➃➅ asked in PetsDogs · 5 years ago

Any dog breed experts here? What do you think?

I live in a private property area. I've had my dog for a while now. He is a miniature Pinscher. Recently, I received a notice that said my dog needs to be on leash, I don't think he needs to be, he's not actually aggressive. He'll nip a little f someone tries to pick him up. And he may bark at strangers at the front door. Nothing crazy. I read the complaint form and they have rules and regulation codes and whatever. It shows a list of breeds that are not allowed in my area. And it says amongst others like pitbulls and Rottweiler; "Doberman Pinschers". But my dog is mini, in the toy category. And I was wondering if anyone here believes that he is NOT Doberman? Maybe I can convince the main office he isn't, because he is of relation to, but not directly Doberman. He weighs barely 16 pounds. Yes, I'm going to keep him on leash from now on, but what say you about his breed?

28 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    In the UK all owners have to keep their dogs 'under control' and although unless posted specifically, that doesn't necessarily mean on a lead, in many places it does. If you have a leash law where you are, breed and being good makes no difference. If you have been asked to keep your dog on a lead, then I'm afraid it has to be on a lead. Unless in an area where he can be let off for a good run and I hope you can find such a place as I believe all dogs need a good run, if possible.

    The Min.Pin IS a separate breed - not a miniature Doberman ..... for those here who maybe think otherewise.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Check out Wikipedia

    Directly from min pin page

    "The Miniature Pinscher is reported to include the Dachshund and Italian Greyhound among its ancestors. Many historians and those who have researched the background of the breed agree that this heritage is most likely, adding the shorthaired German Pinscher to the family tree."

    This being said he isn't a small Doberman pincher he is bred from sight hounds, trained or not they can be a lisbility since instinctively they are programmed to run after anything they see that moves.

    Your facility may have a leash rule, don't fight it. Your city may have a leash law, don't fight that.

    I have a service dog, well trained, follows me everywhere my waking moments. Trained never ever to leave my side no mstter whatever is around me or what I am doing, food won't lure the dog away, or will play I have never had a better trained dog in your life, and I love him to death. Yes the dog has proven he can be off leash and is 110% reliable, well, socialized and obedient. If you think hat with a dog that has over 5000 hours provisional training on board, knows words, sounds, clicks and hand siginals - if I sm outside playing or walking or just wandering around you bet my dogs on a leash. I cannot control your dog or the guy down the blocks dog, or the hundreds of cats wandering aimlessly around. I cannot control children from running up to the dog, nor can I control wildlife or a drunk driver. I'm glad you can control all of your environment so to assure no accidents, scraps or fights with anything that would put your dog in danger. I would ever take the risk with any of my dogs, especially Buddy. I can't trust what will happen with other people, their actions etc. while my dogs on a leash I am in control. If something goes after my animal I can Pull him to or he can pull me to safety. That cannot be done off leash.

    Just my thoughts and opinions about leashes. If you have your own property and its fenced in to where nothing can get in and your dog cannot get out, that's a different story.

  • 5 years ago

    A miniature Pinscher is the same as a Doberman Pinscher, except smaller. It's not a mixed breed. The miniature Pinscher is just the smallest Dobermans bred together over and over until they got to that size.

    Pit Bulls, Rottweilers and Dobermans can be great dogs, most are not aggressive, they just have a bad reputation. But, if one does turn out to be aggressive, they are big enough to hurt someone. A miniature on the other hand, even if it were aggressive it could not do much damage to someone at all. I do not believe the leash thing is necassary, but since you're being told to have him on a leash, I'd advise you do so instead of risking fine or eviction.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The minpin is not a miniature Doberman. It has a completely different breed origin. It looks like a miniature doberman, but it isn't. It's named for the German Pinscher that was used to help create this breed.

    This is something your property owner can easily verify if he isn't a completely useless, lazy person who can't do a 30 second google search.

    You got a notice because your dog is in violation of leash ordinances. It's that simple. The rules do in fact apply to you, just as they apply to everyone else.

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  • 5 years ago

    Local laws vary, generally All Dogs regardless of breed must be leashed and under control whenever in a public venue, and securely contained/constantly supervised on private property.

    Any dog that "nip a little f someone tries to pick him up." Even on private property, you will be held liable for any and all injuries, hopefully you have a good homeowners policy.

    Then expect your monthly premium to rise, insurance companies will automatically pay a claim without investigating as that is the cheaper option.

    Even if you provide a police report that the person was trespassing, insurance will pay, should it happen again, they may cancel your policy, and you'll never be able to get coverage for the dog from any insurance company as it now has a bite history.

    As said laws vary, check you local laws and contact your insurance company for particulars.

  • 5 years ago

    It is not the breed or size that should be a concern. I don't think anbody would like to be bitten by an ant even. The dog may be very friendly to its owner. If your dog is threatening strangers without any specific reason, then it is a risk for others. To others, dog also belongs to the group of animals which can injure them. Animal is an animal. Man is also an animal, but we don't take it granded that all are like someone at our home or like our friend (If we can belive them). The only fact that supports your argument is that it is in your private property.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Mini pins and dobermans are different breeds, so you are fine there. And I agree with the leash thing. It's the law. Your dog might not be aggressive, but that doesn't mean others aren't. I was walking my dog on a leash, and a golden came out of no where not on a leash, the owner kept saying "oh he's friendly don't worry", in which my dog then tried attacking her dog when he came up. I got so pissed. Not all dogs are dog friendly, so keep YOUR dog safe and keep him on a leash

  • J C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    You have likely gotten a standard letter send out to all dog owners who have been reported for not obeying the leash laws. Of course your dog is not a Doberman it is a toy sized terrier that happens to have the same coat pattern, and anyone who would need to see the dog will know that. Keep your dog on lead, or off lead only behind a fence, and it won't be an issue.

  • 5 years ago

    It doesn't matter what the breed or mix of dog you have. According to the rules and regulations in your area, your dog MUST be on leash. What makes you think that your a special snowflake and don't have to have y our dog under leash control?

    Walk your dog on leash, like everyone else does. I gotta say, I have no patience for this type of crap and I deal with it on a regular basis.

    Untrained dog, being allowed to walk off-leash in public by selfish inconsiderate people. Ugh. Can't stand it.

  • 5 years ago

    What does the list of breeds have to do with the fact you let your dog run loose which is probably ILLEGAL in your town? You're also living in a complex that has its own rules.

    Of course your dog isn't considered a Doberman Pinscher. The breeds aren't even remotely related. Get a freaking clue. Breed restrictions aren't your issue it's your own IGNORANCE and disregard for rules. Get over yourself and your untrained ratty dog.

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