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  • Best math/computer science classes to take in undergrad for bioinformatics?

    I have some restricted electives to choose from, one math and one computer science.

    I'm thinking for computer science I'll take systems design and analysis, it sounds more useful than UNIX/Linux operating systems. But for math, I have no clue what would be more useful to take. My options are differential equations, discrete mathematics, and linear algebra. Anyone know which class would be most useful for someone hoping to pursue bioinformatics? Thanks.

    Biology1 month ago
  • Best math/cs classes to take in undergrad for Bioinformatics?

    I have some restricted electives to choose from, one math and one computer science.

    I'm thinking for computer science I'll take systems design and analysis, it sounds more useful than UNIX/Linux operating systems. But for math, I have no clue what would be more useful to take. My options are differential equations, discrete mathematics, and linear algebra. Anyone know which class would be most useful for someone hoping to pursue bioinformatics? Thanks.

    2 AnswersTechnology1 month ago
  • Quads burn a lot while jogging, but heart and breathing okay?

    I’ve been exercising (strength training) and eating well for a while, but I’ve just recently started implementing cardio using the C25K app on my phone. It’s 3 cardio sessions a week meant to take someone from being a couch potato to running a 5k in 8 weeks, I’ve been working up through them while doing my normal strength training the other 4 days of the week.

    As the days get harder, I’m finding that my cardiovascular system really isn’t my limiting factor. Sure, my heart rate goes up when I jog, but it’s nothing extreme. Same with breathing, yeah I breathe heavier but it’s nothing I can’t handle. If those were the only aspects of cardio then I really wouldn’t hate cardio much at all haha. It’s really not bad.

    My problem is my quads (sometimes calves some too, but mostly quads). They BURN like crazy when I jog. It’s brutal, the precise reason why I hate it so much.

    I don’t think this is normal? Don’t most people struggle more with catching their breath and their heart rate and whatnot? Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do to help lessen the burning sensation?

    Any help with fixing this issue would be appreciated. I do want to make cardio more enjoyable because I know it is so beneficial for health.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 months ago
  • Is it okay to workout while sick?

    Yesterday I didn’t have a fever or sore throat but I had body aches and shortness of breath when I tried to take a deep breath.

    This morning I woke up with a sore throat and a fever. But now that I’ve had some fruit and drink my throat doesn’t feel too bad, and overall I don’t feel to bad. My body isn’t really aching like yesterday, at least not right now.

    I have gym equipment in my basement, so I wouldn’t need to go to an actual gym and spread germs/pick up more germs there.

    Is it okay for me to exercise? I hate missing workouts, yesterday was already a rest day. 

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 year ago
  • Is this sentence using a semicolon appropriately?

    "She froze for a second when she saw me, and then she began sprinting to the front doors; I raced her there."

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 years ago
  • Do you need to use MLA format for essays in college? Is a title required or suggested?

    I'm writing my first essay for a college class. In highschool we were always taught to use MLA format and give essays a title. We were also taught the five paragraph structure though, which clearly does not carry over into college. Should the MLA format be dropped too? Will it matter to a professor if I use that format with double spacing and a title and everything or if I just jump right into the introduction paragraph? My essay is due today and I am finished writing it, I was about to hand it in when I realized I might need to add MLA format and a title and such first.

  • Do you need to use MLA format for essays in college? Is a title required or suggested?

    I'm writing my first essay for a college class. In highschool we were always taught to use MLA format and give essays a title. We were also taught the five paragraph structure though, which clearly does not carry over into college. Should the MLA format be dropped too? Will it matter to a professor if I use that format with double spacing and a title and everything or if I just jump right into the introduction paragraph? My essay is due today and I am finished writing it, I was about to hand it in when I realized I might need to add MLA format and a title and such first.

    1 AnswerHomework Help2 years ago
  • Do you need to decrease doses when stacking SARMs? Body building?

    I’m planning to start a RAD-140, LGD-4033, and Mk 677 stack next week. Is it okay to take the recommended dose for each one, or do I need to decrease the dose because I’m stacking them?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports2 years ago
  • How much of a caloric surplus to eat in for bone injury repair?

    I recently transitioned from a cut to a bulk, trying to eat in a very small caloric surplus for lean bulking rather than dirty bulking. I’ve seemed to hurt my arms though, especially my left one, the bones hurt quite bad, joints too. I’m going to be taking a short break from upper body exercises until it gets better (will continue lower body, abs, and cardio though). Should I keep with the small caloric surplus I’ve been doing, or should I add a bit more to it to help with bone repair?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • Analytically showing that equations represent trigonometric identity statements pre calculus help?

    I understand half the equations for homework and can do them easily, but then the other half just seem like they can’t be solved.

    For example, (cscx+cotx)/(tanx+sinx)=cotxcscx. I can break that down to (1/sinx + cosx/sinx)/(sinx/cosx + sin)=cosx/sin^2x. But what on earth do I do from here?

    Or, for another example, cotxsinx=cos^3x+cosxsin^2x. The left easily becomes cosx, I know. But what can I do with the right? I don’t see any substitutions that make anything work. I’m not sure what I’m missing. Some problems I can easily solve, but then ones like these it seems like they’re not solveable, like they’re not actually trigonometric identities, but that’s of course not an option. The way it’s worded clearly implies that they all are.

    I missed a few days of class from being sick and my teacher is really bad at explaining things, she basically writes a problem on the board and then writes the answer with little to no explanation on how she’s gotten there. I’ve been trying to figure this out on my own, some of it I have, but other bits, like this, I have not.

    I have a test tomorrow and need to figure this stuff out before then.

    3 AnswersMathematics2 years ago
  • Finding bicep curl one rep max?

    I only have 15, 20, and 25 pound weights. The 25 pound definitely isn t my max since it s not very hard for me to lift. If I found how many reps I could do with the 25 pound dumbbell, is there some sort of equation I could put that in to to estimate my one rep max?

    I want to find it so I can use it to figure out how much weight I should be lifting and buy those weights.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • What other test for heart problems are there other than an ecg?

    My heart has been giving me problems lately, typically at night. Sometimes it starts feeling very very light, sometimes it's racing for no racing for no reason as I try to sleep, feeling kind of faultery, if that makes any sense. It keeps me awake for hours, it's so uncomfortable, a lot of the times feeling like if I go to sleep my heart will stop. But I can't get an ecg, that's why I've been pushing off telling anyone in my family about it. I know heart problems run in my family, my uncle had a heart attack and died at 23 and I'm pretty sure one of my cousins had to go on cholesterol pills while still in elementary school. Neither of them are/were overweight, either, nor am I (I'm actually closer to underweight than overweight).

    I just can't get an ecg for my own personal reasons. It would be torture, for me, I am too uncomfortable with it. Is there any other way? I don't want anyone going anywhere near my chest.

    6 AnswersHeart Diseases2 years ago
  • How would Human Growth Hormone Injections affect me?

    My mother is 4’10” so I already had short genes, and then to add onto it I became anorexic when I had just turned 13 and ended up hospitalized for multiple months from it, with a feeding tube for part of that time. I haven’t grown ever since. So I already had bad genes and then I also stopped my growth through malnutrition when I was barely 13. I’m 16 now and I don’t struggle with eating problems anymore, I’m a normal weight for my height, but I’m a dude and I’m 5’3” with extremely tiny hands, feet and wrists. My doctor has told me himself that I’m done growing and won’t get any taller, and I haven’t grown in 3 years. So, even though most guys’ growth plates don’t seal until later, I’m sure in my circumstance they are sealed or have at least begun to seal. And I understand that Human Growth hormone can’t make you taller once your growth plates are sealed, so even though I want more than anything to become taller, I understand it’s not worth getting my hopes up for. But with that, even if Human Growth Hormone can’t make me taller, could it still make my hands and feet bigger and my bones denser? If so, would it take a long time of getting the injections or could differences be noticed within like a month? I suffer from depression because of my size, to the point where sometimes I even consider killing myself over it. I’m willing to do anything even to just make my hands bigger. Any information would help. Thanks.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine3 years ago
  • Asylum in Spain or America?

    In Saudi Arabia, women must have male guardians to travel far away and get on planes. If a Saudi Woman (over 18) were to travel to Spain with her family and then “run away” from them, if she had the money and passport, would she be able to buy a plane ticket and fly to America? I know adult women in Spain have their rights and can travel themselves, but would the same rules apply to her, or would she still need a male guardian because of being a Saudi Citizen?

    2 AnswersAir Travel3 years ago
  • Saudi Arabian girl flying in Spain?

    In Saudi Arabia, women must have male guardians to travel far away and get on planes. If a Saudi Woman (over 18) were to travel to Spain with her family and then “run away” from them, if she had the money and passport, would she be able to buy a plane ticket and fly to America? I know adult women in Spain have their rights and can travel themselves, but would the same rules apply to her, or would she still need a male guardian because of being a Saudi Citizen?

    7 AnswersImmigration3 years ago
  • Is it possible to get in contact with a Canadian Official about fleeing a middle eastern country, seeking asylum in Canada?

    Like, is there a way to get in contact with an official who knows what they are talking about and could help walk one through things?

    5 AnswersImmigration4 years ago
  • Algebra help?

    Which equation is the equation of a line that passes through -10, 3 and is perpendicular to y = 5x - 7 ?

    1. Y = 5x + 53

    2. Y = -1/5x - 7

    3. Y = -1/5x + 1

    4. Y = 1/5x + 5

    3 AnswersMathematics4 years ago