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cassie58 asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 5 years ago

Would you comment please on my poem?


Within Lynch Island's tangled tracks,

I stand before an English oak

whose girth exceeds all others seen.

Grey furrowed bark is tough on touch

as parasitic ivy clings

on vines that climb to giddy heights.

I circumvent a sturdy base

and with extended arms I reach

to measure round a wayward waist.

Five times I stretch with fingertips

beneath its overhanging boughs.

Five times the width of my embrace.

In days ahead with tree in leaf,

a canopy of heavy shade

will block each ray of lucent light

and dark the pathways will become,

that lead to where in May each year

white bells of Loddon lilies bloom.

How many Kings and Queens have ruled?

How many tyrants thrived and died?

How many battles fought and won,

yet undisturbed this tree stands strong

to oversee the misery

of England's blooded history.

If trees were able to convey.

If they could whisper words to us,

what secrets would they dare to tell?

That life prolonged on planet earth

is barely stirred by Heaven's grace,

far greater stoked by flames from Hell?

12 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's one big-*** tree! There are bigger, perhaps, but that doesn't matter.

    The poem is wonderfully well done, stepping along, obedient to the rhythm commanded in the first line. And I wasn't bored even for the time it takes to blink. Given my highly distractible nature, your poem does much to hold my attention fully through the whole reading.

    Thematically, it's kind of a downer for me. Yeah, history, from those people who write histories, is often pretty vile stuff; I knew that already. But I know that much of the UNwritten history of man is unwritten because there was nothing to write about. (There is at least one village found in Bulgaria that has apparently been completely untouched by wars & such for about 8,000 years.) Still, you make your opinion plain, and with great style.

    Do that again, soon, please.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Not bad, a bit boring to read though.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes,it is a wonderful poem and it is nicely written.

  • 5 years ago

    I cannot message you Cassie, nor receive messages, for the last month. Somehow, i can't loging to fb too. : (

    Your poem is a work of art. It has your stamp of class, elegance and that easy lilt that is so very Cassie. I stumbled upon it late last night...and recognised you immeditely...even tho' it's closed i had to is so takes my breath away. Looking forward to reading and re-reading it again & again & again! : )

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  • 5 years ago

    'tis eloquent, I say, at best! Well done!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Thank you! Now I can steal this poem and claim it as my own!

  • 5 years ago

    Oh, how your poem matures in the final stanza!!!

    Just when I was getting ready for nostalgia hit us with a hard note of realism!!!

  • 5 years ago

    Hug a tree , if only it could talk to me

    I ve often thought about the old Oak and all the things it s seen over the years ... Excellent Poem Cassie.

  • 5 years ago

    I agree with someone who responded in the other site; the final stanza could be a poem on its own. The subject is dear to me.

  • 5 years ago

    I specially like this verse "That life prolonged on planet earth is barely stirred by Heaven's grace, far greater stoked by flames from Hell?"

    sounds like a verse from an ancient forgotten poem .. nice job :)

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