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Is it just me or are people getting dumber every year?


The questions being asked are making me want to puke, since if anyone had the intelligence, they would find 50,000 answers to what the best beginner's gutiar is.

I'm getting tired of wasting my 47 yrs of experience on loser guitar wannabes, "I can't pay for lessons , I want to to be awesome in 6 months" " Is learning guitar hard?" ...dum**ucks I'm ready to blow my brains out

Update 2:

LOL Tony....I''ll cross the pond and kick your ****!!

I admit to being a bit frustrated last night when I posted this. When I first began using this forum to help out young musicians, I gave long, thoughtful and hopefully helpful advice.

But as Justin said , the questions now have a troll stench (Not you Nasty that it is getting harder and harder to feel helpful. Actually I think the Books and Authors section is even worse than this..and Rock and pop is just a forum for idiots.

Update 3:

Funny comment Tony...gave me a laugh...too bad too many people ask that as a serious question..*sigh*

And for Athena..I'm 56 and have been playing as a pro guitarist since some form or other.

I'm all grown up...too bad the young folks can't respect the advice the experienced people try to impart to them.

Hey, Tony, what's the best guitar brand for me? (tee hee)

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you think the music-related sections are bad take a look at "Food and Drink" ("Can food colouring blow up?").

    I've gotta say that I'm stunned at the stupidity and ignorance of some of the people (kids?) who post questions, and answers, here. Nowadays people don't seem to know what we ALL knew when I was 10!

    I think the internet has a lot to answer for: in my day, information about guitars and amps was rare and valuable. We had to make an effort to find out anything but what we found out was nearly always right. Nowadays there's just TOO MUCH information out there, most of it wrong and posted by people that are clueless. A lot of these kids don't know the difference between an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar, don't know what a "cover" is, don't know what notes a guitar should be tuned to (and if they did they can't use a tuner), don't know the difference between chords and strings etc. , but they've heard of scales, modes, truss rods, replacement pickups, capacitors and pots and everything else. How many questions have there been from people trying to tune a guitar with a locking nut that's still locked?

    It certainly seems like people are becoming more and more dumb but I keep telling myself that some of the silly questions are just from naive kids who are no worse than I was at that age and that maybe all they need is the sense to keep their mouths shut (or at least to stop posting "questions" on the internet). I also tell myself that for every one idiot posting on this site there are hundreds of kids working hard and learning to do whatever they are interested in the same way as I did - people who just don't need to post questions here. Hope I'm right.

    By the way Russell, can you give me some advice - which is the best way to learn guitar: by playing tabs or using Rocksmith?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I just wonder how many of the really stupid questions in any given category are posted by the same person? So many of them have that nasty Troll stink that they can't be serious questions. At least, I hope they're not!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yeah, you're one of the reasons why that is

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    more like every second

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Athena
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Welcome to growing up

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