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is 50 pills of anything enough to die?

before u jump on... im not like the other people, who grabs attention and acrs drama-tic... ive made up my decision, im going to kill myself tonight, dont jump and say "please dont" im not an attention w-hore... anyways there are many random mediciens here in big quantity,,,, im thinking which one will cause death, will 50 of any kind of those pills kill me?

4 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't do it.but if u do want to die, don't go for th pills or sucide. You'll go straight to hell. Do things that cause cancer, take risks. Drive while under the influence of alcohol. Idk

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Just hang around, things will get better. If you off yourself you will be missing the best days of your life. Many good things are coming your way. And also there are some people who will come into your life who you will dearly love and who will need you. This is a psychic answer, I am a psychic. This message is far from coming from me. I am just the messenger of higher forces here.

  • 5 years ago

    Do NOT kill yourself. Because think of all the people who love you, and care for you. Do you want them to live with the fact they couldn't do anything to stop you from killing yourself? And who knows where you may end up, once you're dead. You won't be able to go back, and fix anything if you kill yourself. Whatever it is that you're going through is a TEMPORARY problem. Suicide is NOT the answer and is a PERMENANT problem to a TEMPORARY issue.


  • 5 years ago

    NO man dont do it your life worth so much more than u think,pls dont waste it therr are people that love you and if you do it you will cut off part of theirs souls forever and took it with you. DONT DO IT cus people love u and care of u and in this moment i just want to hug you so i know you will stay safe :( even o dont know u i would still be hurted if u do that ,just plz dont man

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