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Do Atheists hate it when so many Olympic athletes express faith in God?


When Usain Bolt makes the sign of the Cross and looks heavenward as he settles into the starting blocks tonight, Atheists will see the power of faith as Usain leaves the competition behind.

44 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    I do. Every time a hear an Olympic athlete express faith in God I smash my TV screen.

    So many? Like, who? Does that mean that the amount of success in athletics is directly proportional to the degree of strength of an athlete's faith in God? LOL!

    LOL! What Bolt and other Olympians do does nothing to prove the existence of a god. Did you think it did? LMAO!

  • 5 years ago

    I hate it when they give god credit for their victories. The level of conceit involved. "Oh, I know there's a god because he caused ME to win. Because I know he loves me more than all the other athletes. And the other day I prayed to find my keys and then I found them, because of divine intervention I'm sure. Never mind all the starving children in Ethiopia whose prayers go unanswered, god just doesn't like those filthy little monkeys because they're all sinful I'm sure, my olympic victory and my keys are far more important." It's like that guy who said he was an atheist until he won the lottery and then he was a believer. All the thousands of other people who won the lottery before him didn't convince him there was a god, but he considered himself so important, that when HE won, that was all the convincing he needed. And praying before the race isn't much different. Though to be fair, he might be praying that no one will be hurt, or just praying, not praying that he'll win.

  • 5 years ago

    I've never seen any Olympics, so I can't say for certain, but apparently people come from all around the world, so I wouldn't be surprised to find out the participants have all kinds of ideas, faiths, rituals, etc. No, no reason to hate or even take notice. I think people even do that in American football games, don't they?

  • Yorrik
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Olympic athletes are taking part in an event which is worship of Zeus the mighty God.

    Some among us seem unaware of this fact.

    Zeus = God

    The Olympic Games

    The Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece. The Games were part of a religious festival. The Greek Olympics, thought to have begun in 776 BC, inspired the modern Olympic Games (begun in 1896) The Games were held in honour of Zeus, king of the gods, and were staged every four years at Olympia, a valley near a city called Elis. People from all over the Greek world came to watch and take part.

    Listen to the crowd in Athens - they know whom they worship.

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  • 5 years ago

    After reading all the comments. Well you get God to to get good and the athletes did not choose this. God choose them it's just a reflection of what can be possible. I don't think usian bolt is going to say God made him fast he is just thankful to be alive. Anyways being Jamaican and all he probably lighting up a big fat joint ya man. Be jealous and envy because that's I can see in all the negative comments peace out.

    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Do "ATHEIST" "HATE" it when "SO MANY " Olympic athletes express faith in GOD ? and then the questioner gives ONE EXAMPLE USAIN BOLT .

    ..that might explain why some theist think 1 + ! + 1 = 1 instead of 3 they not only think wait sorry BELIEVE if they assert an IDEA or a NOTION aka a CONCEPT it is therefore " REAL "

    that they have not grasped what the word " MANY " means let alone accepted MATH

    so how can we expect them to understand science defined as the OBSERVATION identification description experimental investigation and theoretical exploitation of natural phenomena .

    .. last i checked if you have a child named bob one named ted and one named sally does not mean you only have one child

    as in the word POLYTHEISTIC meaning "MANY " as in MORE than ONE rather than MONOTHEISTIC meaning "ONE"

    so poking yourself in four places on your body DOES SOMETHING REALLY I think its more on the line of Pavlov dogs a CONDITIONED RESPONSE to answer no not hate I CHUCKLES because i know the psychological conditioning that took place to get that person to do that RITUAL BEHAVIOR ....

    its like they ring bells in the church signalling one is to Knee then stand then knee then stand or the priest says ALL RISE and suddenly 100 people stand up I always used to look for the hesitant ones lagging behind imagining what they were really thinking ( this is a bunch of SHITZ ) lol

    well sports is about Conditioning

    what athletic event is theism it certainly doesn't train your mind to question

    don't think we have ALL the answers its right here in our ancient book plus magic

  • 5 years ago

    I don't know what culture you think we grew up in, but here in the US, it is just par for the course. We know the bulk of people are religious. And we are more than used to that coming out when athletes speak. Not to mention the unnecessary controversy it would bring if an athlete said God had nothing to do with their success.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No problem with athletes having faith in god. I have a problem when they credit god for personally helping them win whilst ignoring the 12 million starving children every year.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No. They just don't say which God they have faith in. They must be talking about the Greek God Zeus, he's the God of the Olympics.

  • 5 years ago

    No I love it, it's comedy gold, plus makes a good drinking game, if Americans get lots of medals.

    I mean, sure, your god is happy to let starving children die by the truckload daily, but he'll gladly help you win a sporting event...

    Dumbfuckery doesn't get much worse than that.

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