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Ranger4402 asked in SportsCycling · 5 years ago

Sharing the Road Question?

I live in the U.S. We drive and ride bicycles on the Right side of the road. When you pass any moving vehicle or bicycle then you are supposed to pass on the left side.

This pass two Saturdays a peleton of bicyclists riding two by two passed me and other cyclists. One side passed on my left and other other on my right. This "boxes" me in when it happens. If there is a pothole or some other obstruction ahead I can't go left or right without hitting someone.

Isn't the proper method have everyone pass on the left?

4 Answers

  • Red E3
    Lv 6
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    it is proper in almost every case to pass on the left while calling on your left

    Passing on the right and left at the same time like you describe is very much frowned on unless you are a member of a group and riding with each other and know each other well

    Passing on the right only is sometimes done if the person being passed is very slow and far to the left. It is rare

  • 5 years ago

    Depends on your road position. If you were very far to the left, it might explain the reason why some riders passed you on the right. That does not mean that I agree with doing that, passing another cyclist on the right(in North America) is risky. The groups I ride with do not do that, we will get into a single line and pass slower riders to their left

  • 5 years ago

    I think it's shows courtesy for 1 guy to move out of the way so that person don't have to run over a pot hole.

    Yeah, I say it's proper to pass on the left.

  • John M
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Where you in the middle of the road or someplace else ?

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