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  • How Does He Keep His Composure?

    My nephew plays high school basketball. He is a small forward.

    I am being honest not judgmental.

    The shooting guard on his team is horrible. His shooting percentage is less than 40 percent and the coach keeps letting him fire away.

    According to my nephew the guy can't even make shots in practice. Yesterday at practice he yelled, "Do you ever make a shot? I haven't seen you do it in over 2 weeks!!!"

    His coach made him run laps for that outburst.

    How does my nephew learn to keep his composure?

    1 AnswerBasketball4 years ago
  • Once More Into the Breach?

    I am traveling to be with my family this Christmas. I have not gone to visit in 3 years. This visit is stressing me out.

    I have an older sister who is an adult spoiled brat. She baits me and my other relatives with her rude and mean comments. She seeks out confrontation.

    I used to cope with this behavior by over eating. I got very fat. I had massive health problems from being fat.

    Today I am healthy and in shape. I got serious about eating right and exercising. Every day I stay on track with eating healthy and exercising.

    I am concerned I'll get knocked off when she goes after me with her spiteful mean behavior. At the same time I don't want to ruin things by standing my ground.

    I also don't want to go back to over eating to cope.

    In a perfect world my parents would tell her to leave if she can't behave. That's not going to happen. In their words it is easier to give in than fight.

    My gut is telling me to stand my ground and if she ends up leaving all sad and angry then that is her problem and her problem alone.

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • Search Warrant and Nobody is Home?

    I've always wondered this. The police obtain a search warrant on a home. They knock and nobody is home. The people who live there are shopping at the grocery store.

    Do the police have to wait for someone to come home before searching the home?

    3 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Experienced Gay Guys Question?

    You are over 21, openly gay and totally comfortable with who you are.

    You meet a guy also over 21 who is not sure about his sexuality and he admits this. Other than that up in the air element, he is a stable, good, and responsible person.

    Your romantic feelings aside would you get involved with a guy like that?

  • Has The Property Owner Waived a Lease Clause?

    My friend bought a coffee bar in a strip mall two years ago. The coffee bar has been around for 15 years.

    In addition to selling coffee drinks the bar has a cooler with milk drinks, juice boxes and energy drinks. These items are usually purchased by parents for their kids when the parents come in for coffee.

    Three months ago a small grocery store opened in the strip mall. It also sells milk, juice boxes and energy drinks.

    The property owner informed my friend in writing he has to stop selling the products in the cooler because they are not coffee related items. This is in his lease.

    The hitch here is for 15 years under all ownership the property owner was aware of the cooler and the items for sale. This was never a problem until the grocery opened.

    Has the property owner granted waiver by ignoring the sales of the cooler items in the past?

    10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Did the Salary Cap Doom the 49ers?

    Back in the days of Eddie D,. Carmen Policy, Bill Walsh and many more, the 49ers could go out and buy what they needed.

    While other NFL teams have figured out how to win within a salary cap structure, the 49ers can t win consistently.

    6 AnswersFootball (American)5 years ago
  • When Did Science Become a Democracy?

    If I mix sodium (Na) with calcium (Ca) then I get table salt. I get table salt (Na Cl) because that is the chemical reaction that occurs when these to elements are mixed together.

    Now I hear that x percent of scientists believe this or y percent believe that. Form global warming to what makes a planet a planet it all seems subject to a vote.

    Science does not work that way does it? Science is not a democracy. When did scientists vote on the Law of Gravity? When they vote and decide Earth is not the center of the universe or evil spirits do not cause infectious diseases?

    12 AnswersGlobal Warming5 years ago
  • Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold?

    Does the expression Revenge is a Dish Best Served cold mean you should never take revenge? A person would never serve cold food. So if Revenge is served cold then that means you do not take revenge on others?

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Do You Feel Like You Won?

    You have a big disagreement with a family member or a spouse. You are firm on your point of view. The other person is firm on their point of view. It is a standoff.

    Without any action on your part the other person "gives in" or is "the bigger person" and they see it your way.

    When this happens do you feel like you won? Do you feel good? Do you believe you are not only right but also happy?

    I've always been the person to give in because as my parents taught me it is better to be happy than right.

    So tell me how it feels to be on the winning side. I'd love to know.

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • What Happened to Oregon?

    Did the Ducks fail to recruit any defensive players for the past 4 years? I knew it was going to be a rough year when UC Davis was able to put up 28 points in the season opener. I wanted to be wrong but I was far from it.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)5 years ago
  • If Anyone Other than Hillary?

    If anyone credible other than Hillary were the Democratic nominee then would that person be 10 or 20 points up on Trump?

    I am not a Democrat and no fan of Trump. I think even Bernie Sanders would be ahead by double digits.

    Trump is who he is and it amazes me the race is as close as it is.

    6 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Baseball Last Day of Season Question?

    It came down to the final day for the Giants and the Cardinals.

    Is there a rule that requires the Dodgers and Pirates to use their best players available? The Dodgers are already in and the Pirates are out of playoff contention.

    6 AnswersBaseball5 years ago
  • Are Looks Covered Under the EEOC?

    You have a job that demands you work with the general public. Can your employer dismiss you if you "let yourself go"?

    Example: A food server at a restaurant gains 50 lbs. but can physically do his/her job.

    I know most employment is At Will but what if your employer tells you "if you want to keep your job then you need to lose that weight you gained."

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Hillary's Deleted E-Mails Question?

    From a technology standpoint can deleted emails be "retrieved" off a private computer server?

    There is all of this talk about 30,000 deleted emails by Hillary Clinton. Are those emails gone for good?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking5 years ago
  • Opera Casting Choice Question?

    I was watching on opera on TV. The protagonist character is a woman in her early 20's.

    The singer who performed the role was pushing age 50 and looked every year of it. I could not get into this because her performance seemed far from authentic. Her singing was lovely and more than competent. But she could overcome the age gap.

    What is up with casting someone that old who was nowhere near to be pulling it off as a character half her age? Isn't there someone younger who can perform that role?

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting5 years ago
  • Does Supply Create Demand or Does Demand Create Supply?

    You invent a brand new product and you believe it will sell. You created it because you believe there is an existing demand or there will be a demand for it. Right?

    Who would invest their time and resources in something they did not believe will sell? Yes some ideas are silly and do flop. But when the person(s) were making their product they did not see it that way.

    Example: A Hollywood movies that costs millions and millions to make and the viewing public does not buy tickets to see it.

    1 AnswerEconomics5 years ago
  • Air BnB Tax Question?

    If you rent out a dwelling on Air BnB, then the profit from that is subject to self employment tax. Why?

    The profit is subject to self employment tax because you clean the dwelling up after every vacancy just like a motel or hotel.

    3 AnswersUnited States5 years ago
  • Sharing the Road Question?

    I live in the U.S. We drive and ride bicycles on the Right side of the road. When you pass any moving vehicle or bicycle then you are supposed to pass on the left side.

    This pass two Saturdays a peleton of bicyclists riding two by two passed me and other cyclists. One side passed on my left and other other on my right. This "boxes" me in when it happens. If there is a pothole or some other obstruction ahead I can't go left or right without hitting someone.

    Isn't the proper method have everyone pass on the left?

    Cycling5 years ago
  • How Would You Have Tip In This Situation?

    1. You go to a restaurant you have dined at over a dozen times before.

    2. You are not aware 2 line cooks are out sick and the orders are backing up.

    3. Your order was taken no quicker or slower than any other time.

    4. You realize things are out of sorts when 15 minutes passes and you have been served your entrees.

    5. You ask what is taking so long and the food server tells you 2 cooks are out sick and the kitchen is understaffed.

    Had you known the place was having a bad night, you would have gone somewhere else this one time only.

    Do you tip like you normally tip (generous yet not over the top) or do you lower it for being "deceived"?

    13 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Contesting a Will Question?

    20 years ago a married couple of sound mind and body made out their will. They decided at that time to give each of their children and equal share of their estate.

    Fast forward, the last of the two parents passed away 6 months ago. One of the children right or wrong believes he is entitled to more than his equal share and a beneficiary of the estate vs. being a creditor of the estate.

    If he challenges the Will and loses, can the Executor of the estate recover the legal fees to fight the challenge out of that child's share?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago