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Once More Into the Breach?

I am traveling to be with my family this Christmas. I have not gone to visit in 3 years. This visit is stressing me out.

I have an older sister who is an adult spoiled brat. She baits me and my other relatives with her rude and mean comments. She seeks out confrontation.

I used to cope with this behavior by over eating. I got very fat. I had massive health problems from being fat.

Today I am healthy and in shape. I got serious about eating right and exercising. Every day I stay on track with eating healthy and exercising.

I am concerned I'll get knocked off when she goes after me with her spiteful mean behavior. At the same time I don't want to ruin things by standing my ground.

I also don't want to go back to over eating to cope.

In a perfect world my parents would tell her to leave if she can't behave. That's not going to happen. In their words it is easier to give in than fight.

My gut is telling me to stand my ground and if she ends up leaving all sad and angry then that is her problem and her problem alone.

1 Answer

  • 4 years ago

    i think you got the right idea

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