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Experienced Gay Guys Question?

You are over 21, openly gay and totally comfortable with who you are.

You meet a guy also over 21 who is not sure about his sexuality and he admits this. Other than that up in the air element, he is a stable, good, and responsible person.

Your romantic feelings aside would you get involved with a guy like that?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The fact that he is not sure about his sexuality is a red flag. In the future he might tell you that he is not gay or bisexual and then you end up getting hurt.

    Would I be with a guy like this? I've been with several guys like this. I'm a grown man and I understand some men are just confused. I had lots of fun, though.

  • 4 years ago

    There are people that will not come to terms with themselves until they are decades older than your friend. Being out in high school or middle school is such a recent phenonemon.

    I'm 46. Barely anyone in my generation was out in high school or college. I moved across the country after school and it was only then at 23 that I had the courage to even enter a gay bar. There were no gay youth groups or anything like that. People used to just be gay in gay bars and then never admit it to anyone on outside.

    Even today - just go theough past posts on this site - there are plenty of teens kicked out by homophobic parents. People still commit suicide over this - google the trevorproject lgbt teen suicide hotline and check it out.

    Back to your question - yeah - I think you can risk it. Just let him know you will not go in the closet for him. Its not fair. You can give him time to get up to speed. But for a ltr - to be with you - he'll have to be out.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    He probably wouldnt be comfortable with anything being public for a while as he is questioning himself so i geuss if you are ok that beimg a secret kinda thing until he figures himself out go for it :)

    Just make sure you dont get hurt. As if you get too close then he decides he is straight you could regret doing stuff so id open up slowly and not pour your heart out straight away not saying thoes three magic words too easilt.

  • Hermes
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I don't know why age has anything to do with it - but sure, if I wanted to.


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