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Ranger4402 asked in SportsBasketball · 4 years ago

How Does He Keep His Composure?

My nephew plays high school basketball. He is a small forward.

I am being honest not judgmental.

The shooting guard on his team is horrible. His shooting percentage is less than 40 percent and the coach keeps letting him fire away.

According to my nephew the guy can't even make shots in practice. Yesterday at practice he yelled, "Do you ever make a shot? I haven't seen you do it in over 2 weeks!!!"

His coach made him run laps for that outburst.

How does my nephew learn to keep his composure?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    If the guy misses shots, it is just more opportunity for your nephew (who I assume is really you) to grab rebounds and work the stats.

    You play your position well and if you lose, you lose. Five years from now, heck a year from now, no one will remember the final score. They will remember the PG who missed and didn't distribute.

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