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Do You Feel Like You Won?

You have a big disagreement with a family member or a spouse. You are firm on your point of view. The other person is firm on their point of view. It is a standoff.

Without any action on your part the other person "gives in" or is "the bigger person" and they see it your way.

When this happens do you feel like you won? Do you feel good? Do you believe you are not only right but also happy?

I've always been the person to give in because as my parents taught me it is better to be happy than right.

So tell me how it feels to be on the winning side. I'd love to know.

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    In a big disagreement, nobody wins dude.

    The winner is you, the side that gives in. Your parents are right. Its really hard or impossible to convince someone that he's wrong, especially on subjective matter ( like matter of opinions, beliefs, principles) because there's not an absolute rule to these matters. Get away from disagreements, it'll save you time and your mental health

  • 5 years ago

    i feel like i won when someone just hired me recently

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