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If Anyone Other than Hillary?

If anyone credible other than Hillary were the Democratic nominee then would that person be 10 or 20 points up on Trump?

I am not a Democrat and no fan of Trump. I think even Bernie Sanders would be ahead by double digits.

Trump is who he is and it amazes me the race is as close as it is.

6 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Absolutely, heck I'm a pretty hardcore Republican, but if the Dems had offered a decent choice I'd have voted Dem this year. The same can be said of Trump. Hillary is SO BAD, that if any other Republican had run against her, this race would be over.

  • 5 years ago

    It may look close but it really isn't when you take into consideration that the only way she will lose votes if she does or say anything else stupid, in which, Trump is the one tripping over his own feet. It bothers me not so much that both are not very good but the fact that Hillary really isn't being challenged all that much and the only reason the race looks close is because rather than people putting research into who they want, they just go be...I don't like her or I don't like him so I am voting for the other. Has Hillary really have to try that hard?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No- Bernie couldn't get the votes in the primaries. He wouldn't have as many votes as Hillary does. Yes, the constant lies conservatives tell about her have kept her from having the lead she should have, but she'll still win.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes. If it was anyone else THEY would be murdering donny. And to that fact, if nearly anyone else was in the place of donny, they would be beating Hillary.

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  • Only sheeple vote demoncratic

  • 5 years ago

    I need points

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