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  • Crypto (or any investment tax question).?

    I think its a simple question but I am still new to the investment world. Let say in invest 1000 dollars into cryptocurrency and I made a gain of 200 dollars. Now I'm sitting on 1200 dollars and I decide to withdraw the entire amount. Will I get tax with the 200 dollar gain or for the entire amount?

    2 AnswersInvesting3 months ago
  • If a guy is talking crazy and start bumping into you...scenario.?

    If this happens and then you lay him out (not pummeling him but hit him with a one hitter quitter)...are you still getting charged for assault? Supposedly, you can do so...if you can prove it was for self defense but I hear it isnt as easy as that.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Being asked to perform a job that is out of job description...?

    Last week, someone beat me out of a position to become a now I'm still in shipping/recieving. I have lots of tech experience and still lost. Anyhow, I was asked to assist the team with some ideas...the team that has the person that beat me. I dont know how good he is but from my understanding, he isn't knowledgeable yet. They came up to me to see how would I solve an issue and if called apon, I could assist them. I don't know about that though, i wasn't brought on but yet, they want my idea? Would this help me in the future? My boss told me that they could have me fired if I didn't help them because they carry that much power but that feels like they are just trying to take advantage of me. At this point, should I just go along with this or just hold my ground and decline...that is why they brought the other person on to began with.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Multiple interviews to move up in position a bad thing?

    I have been trying to move up at my job and failed on two interviews...does it affect you on your value the more interview you get? Like, if a manager sees that two already has looked at you and wasnt selected, wouldn't he/she think to themselves....that guy sucks?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • I need a laptop for Redhat because I'll be going to get my certs...?

    What is a good system to get? Preferably somewhere between 500-1000 but a little cheaper or over isnt out of the question. I am now financially ready to start it up now. Thank you.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks2 years ago
  • Use of credit card to build credit?

    I want to build my credit up. It's already around the good to excellent range but still can be better. I know it doesnt build if you pay a credit card outright in full but let's say I use a credit card strictly for gas and food and after I get my monthly statement and pay it off completely. Rinse and repeat, will this be a good thing because even though I wipe out the outstanding balance, I continue the usage...thoughts?

    7 AnswersCredit2 years ago
  • Should Child predators be forced to give organs to those on the waiting list?

    Maybe if they get convicted that a law should be implemented that they give an organ up so they can actually be of some use to society at least...since our law doesn't give them the death penalty.

    7 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Issue witg purchase of uniforms?

    Just needed to ask advice before jumping to conclusions.

    I had to buy my kids uniforms from a store because our school said that was our only destination we could get them. It's been two months since and yet no word (I bought them early. I've beencontacting them by phone and even re-visited them and they deny of my purchase...this is with the reciept in my hand and I got bank statement proving otherwise. Even the school vouches for them telling me that I need to buy uniforms if my kids are to attend the school. They don't even look into the situation but there are a few of us with the same problem. What would be the best way to solve this problem.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Is the habitable zone smaller than what it is said to be? Also the theories of why Venus is the way it is.?

    I always wondered about this but I'm sure there are more to it than what is said. Venus, the so called twin of earth, obviously is not habitable due to the thick atmosphere that contains majority carbon. Super hot planet as well. However, one theory I heard is that Venus was once like Earth but as the sun got older, it produced more light and heat. So, if Venus once had water and then the Sun got too hot for Venus to sustain water and hydrogen...wouldn't that mean that the habitable zone doesn't extend to Venus...or at least not anymore?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space4 years ago
  • People at work trying to irritate me to quit but....?

    I don t involve HR and apparently, talking to my boss is useless. Anyhow, everyone is always talking crap about me...which is fine because I just blow them off. Someone that is a regular dickface decided to let me know how little I mean to the company which just made me chuckle a bit. Then he decided to ask me how much do I get paid. I told him I would give him an answer but later. He told me he was making 18 something an hour...I was like, that s pretty good...not bad (I make a a tiny bit more). He was like how much do you make asshole...I told him 24 an hour. He had a shock look on his face and wondered why was a useless asshole was making more than most. I told him I was hired to be a vent for others. Now the entire company is in a uproar about me getting paid 24 and hour (LOLOLOL, I told him I give him an answer, I never said I d give him a correct one). Now everyone is asking for a raise. Though I have lost interest in my company and will be working elsewhere soon, how F***ed am I?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Jeff Fisher is out, will Jim Harbaugh leave Michigan since it has become apparent that the Rams has been contacting him?

    nk he will most likely leave if the Rams are calling for him. My reasons are that it's the NFL, where he has his heart at. The Rams will be in LA and California is where his heart is at. Also, this year you can tell his recruiting has taken a hit which is a strong indicator that he maybe leaving which brings me to my next point, why stay in college and try to travel constantly just in hopes of getting a kid when you can just draft one and be done with it? The only thing that may prevent him going back to the NFL is that maybe Michigan will pay him whatever he wants but it's not like any NFL team will pay him that much cheaper, if anything, will match him dollar for dollar. I think he did want to coach at Michigan because that is his home but a coaching job in the NFL is his dream job. The only reason he failed at the end was because he and the San Fran organization didn't see eye to eye and when he left is when San Fran started to fall apart...coincidence??? think not, what do you all think will happen. Will he stay or leave?

    10 AnswersFootball (American)4 years ago
  • Is it easy to count out Ohio State this time?

    Yeah, their passing has been very inconsistent but their defense is top 5 and they have the Urban Meyer running game that can ware you down by the 4th quarter. Their special teams are fantastic at kickoff and punt coverage but they have had punt returning and, as of late, kicking problems. If they straighten that out, what are their chances of winning it all?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)4 years ago
  • Trump and doing away with citizenship debate.?

    I know that Trump is working on doing away with granting automatic citizenship for children who are born in the US (assuming he is doing this to kids who have one or both parents that are not of US citizens). However, is he trying to also be able to revoke anybody that is a US citizenship even if they are already a citizen? Someone try to tell me this but that part sounds like something not even Trump can do. I find that hard to believe.

    8 AnswersImmigration4 years ago
  • After going to court to gain full custody of my children and to stop child support...?

    I got a letter from them that even when they stopped garnishing my checks they still was adding up the months I didn't pay which I don't have to since I went to court and got my children and a order to stop collecting child support from me. Anyways, I tried to call them and they will not provide me with any info at all and tells me that I have a Lawyer that is on their papers. I did when I went to court to gain full custody and end child support I said. Then they replied back saying that they can't say anything to me until I sign a paper to remove my lawyer from their paperwork in order to share details with me. Doesn't that seem kind of fishy? Why would they continue to try and collect even with a court order stating I no longer have to pay and they know I have my kids now. I just don't understand.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • The blueprint to beat Urban Meyer and Ohio State is set?

    So, after Saturday choke job that Ohio State displayed, how do you feel about Ohio State now. Overrated or just a fluke. I want to say fluke BUT considering that they are very young and Wisconsin showed you can dominate them with just being more physical that is the only thing you have to do to beat them. Penn State looked to play the same way and won. Will Ohio State bounce back after they was exposed? Are the youngsters just not physically developed enough to handle teams they just can square up and push with little effort? I don't think this Ohio State team will be repeating what they did in 2014. Your thoughts?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)5 years ago
  • Rate this joke.?

    A man was walking by the creek and suddenly, he hears someone saying "psst, down here". He looks down and it is a frog. He picks up the frog and asked it if he was speaking to him. Frog replied, "I can grant your greatest desires if you free me from this curse". Man asked "what is the catch". Frog replied " no catches, just kiss me and anything will be yours. Riches, fame, power"...Man then says "women"? Frog then says "sure". But then what happens to you? I mean for all I know you could be freed from your curse and I don't get what I want". Frog then reiterates" You can have all the women you want, now kiss me and your wishes will come true". Then the man says " that's a shame, I mean I never had a talking frog before....

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles5 years ago
  • Rate this joke...?

    You maybe little ill, you maybe very ill...but can you ever be Kim Jong Ill?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • What if Superman Prime punched himself as hard as he could?

    Since Superman Prime is a god (or God), if he were to punch himself as hard as he could, would he die? Would the Universe just cease to exist? What would happen?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation5 years ago
  • Removing the banned from Xbox One...?

    Once a Xbox One has been banned from any online playing due to whatever the owner may have previously has done, couldn't you still remove the banned? Could you just go to systems and perform a restore back to factory settings to fix the issue or at the very least change out the hard drive (though removing the hard drive maybe a violation of Microsoft terms as well)? Thank you for your information.

    P.S: I don't own a Xbox One, but I've seen people post stuff up on Facebook about used Xbox One consoles with this message popping up and I just figured that you could do a restore.

    6 AnswersXbox5 years ago