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Trump and doing away with citizenship debate.?

I know that Trump is working on doing away with granting automatic citizenship for children who are born in the US (assuming he is doing this to kids who have one or both parents that are not of US citizens). However, is he trying to also be able to revoke anybody that is a US citizenship even if they are already a citizen? Someone try to tell me this but that part sounds like something not even Trump can do. I find that hard to believe.

8 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    You are a bit paranoid. Well, not a bit, but dramatically paranoid. Birthright citizenship is anchored in the Supreme Law of this country, the Constitution of the United States, and no President has the power to change it, nor is there any needed majority (75% in all states) to amend it.

    What Trump proposed to do is to enforce the immigration laws we have already on the books, so instead of telling the US border patrol to catch and to release as Obama did it, 'til next time, he will tell 'em to arrest, to process, and to deport.

    Source(s): An immigrant from Europe, I live on the American Riviera and work as an attorney in Santa Barbara, California.
  • 4 years ago

    No, legally Trump can't take away the citizenship of anyone born in the US, what he could do is make impossible for those citizens born from illegals to legalize their parents.

  • 4 years ago

    There is nothing Trump can do to change that. Birthright citizenship has a long established history in the US and was further established by the 14th amendment. Once citizenship is granted in the US, it can not be taken away.

  • 4 years ago

    No, Trump cannot revoke existing citizenship (at least, not unless they hold another citizenship and have done something to incur this response)

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  • 4 years ago

    Not much will happen with this under Trump. No wall will be built, no ban on Muslims, nothing. He was just talking...some really dumb people thought he meant what he said. To him, it's just words, meant to further his aim. He already got what he wanted.

  • 4 years ago

    There is no way that could be done, even if it could it would not effect anyone alive. It is just crap his supporters say. So much of what he said he will find impossible. He cannot pass laws without congress.

  • 4 years ago

    He thinks if the parents were in the U.S. illegally at the time of birth, the children should not be considered citizens of the U.S. It makes perfect sense to me, and most Americans agree.

  • Singh
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Guess what, moron, Trump's kids have mothers who aren't U.S. citizens so like many of his "promises" it ain't gonna happen.

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