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Hillary's Deleted E-Mails Question?

From a technology standpoint can deleted emails be "retrieved" off a private computer server?

There is all of this talk about 30,000 deleted emails by Hillary Clinton. Are those emails gone for good?

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends. If she had that server backed up regularly then yes, you can from that backup assuming it wasnt tampered with or deleted and someone could get their hands on it. If there are no backups or cloud backups then no. Those email are most likely gone for good unless Clinton has a backup of them that she is not saying.

  • VP
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yes, due to the manner in which the IT dude handled it. He "scrubbed" the disk (using an app called 'Bleach Bit') after deleting the data off of it. He also scratched any backup tapes that were created. Hmm...

    The fact is he intentionally destroyed the data **after** being told to preserve it via a subpoena. That's usually a big time crime...

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