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What Happened to Oregon?

Did the Ducks fail to recruit any defensive players for the past 4 years? I knew it was going to be a rough year when UC Davis was able to put up 28 points in the season opener. I wanted to be wrong but I was far from it.

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They're not recruiting as well as they and the "experts" think, and they're doing a poor job coaching. Use the "new DC" excuse all you want, but you shouldn't be giving up 43 PPG (3rd worst in the entire FBS) if you're getting the 21st or 22nd ranked recruiting class 3 years running. Helfrich isn't playing with Chip Kelly's team anymore, it's all his team and he's driving Oregon into the ground.

  • 5 years ago

    They also have a new defensive coordinator. Give Brady a chance to get his people in on defense and it will get better.

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