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Who do you believe?

Jesus--John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- Jesus teaches--he has a God-his Father--so do his real teachers-- 2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28-- 1Peter 1:3--Rev 1:6

Trinity teachers--Jesus is God-- thus have to teach--God has a God=error.

We all must choose who we believe. Who do you believe?

16 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    We do not pit the teachings against each other, but realize that they describe a greater truth. That is, that God the Father is the source of all; that the Word/Son is eternally begotten of the Father, and became incarnate in Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father.

    Jesus became "a little lower than the angels" for a short time during his stay here Hebr 2:7,9.

    Jesus prayed to the Father that the glory he once shared with the Father be restored. John 17:5.

    The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all share the same divine essence, are all glorified with the same glory, and are all God by nature. The term God is sometimes applied to the Father only, or to the Son John 20:28 or the Holy Spirit Acts 5:3,4

    So we believe God's revelation to us, that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all divine with the same divinity, and are the Godhead, the Holy Trinity.

    Forgive me.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Jesus’ being called the “only-begotten Son” (Joh 1:14; 3:16, 18; 1Jo 4:9) does not mean that the other spirit creatures produced were not God’s sons, for they are called sons as well. (Ge 6:2, 4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:4-7) However, by virtue of his being the sole direct creation of his Father, the firstborn Son was unique, different from all others of God’s sons, all of whom were created or begotten by Jehovah through that firstborn Son. So “the Word” was Jehovah’s “only-begotten Son” in a particular sense, even as Isaac was Abraham’s “only-begotten son” in a particular sense (his father already having another son but not by his wife Sarah).—Heb 11:17; Ge 16:15.

  • 5 years ago

    hi there

    you should listen to the entire testimony on a matter.

    not cherry pick

    search every scripture describing jesus and you find he is

    man - mark 15:39, acts 2:22, 1 timothy 2:5

    son of man - matthew 8:20, mark 9:9, luke 6:5

    son of god - matthew 14:33, mark 1:1, john 11:27

    god - mark 5:19-20, luke 8:39, john 20:28

    Christians don't teach that god has a god. that is silly. man has a god. see where jesus is a man?

  • DP.
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Another JW who simply cannot accept the simple concept that works for them also applies to the Trinity!

    So JWs accept that Jesus pre-incarnate was greater than Jesus the man and post-incarnate. They believe Jesus was the chief angel then became "lower than the angels" only to be elevated back to chief angel. The principle is clear and accepted!

    ..and yet JWs constantly whine that Jesus the man cannot be God because He was a man and a man He had a God, was less than God and all the rest of the twaddle! Huh?

    Come on JWs update your simple thinkng, FULLY research the Trinity and get it!

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  • 5 years ago

    Never in the Scriptures will you ever find that Jesus claimed to be Almighty God. In fact, we are told at Proverbs 8:22: "Jehovah, (Almighty God) himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago." If you read Proverbs 8:27-31 you will learn the truth about Jesus such as that he was "beside" his Father Jehovah as "his master worker, whom his Father was specially fond of day by, I (Jesus) being glad before him all the time, being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men." Yes, Jesus is the "only begotten Son of God" just as the Scriptures tell us. Jesus was the very first of Jehovah' creations and Jesus was "master worker" in helping to create all other things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:15 and 16 You can come to understand the Scriptures more fully if you go to the international website, and Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered. See how the prophesies of Matthew 24:14 and 28:19 and 20 are being fulfilled today. Go to About Us > Activities and Conventions. Watch videos such as Why Study the Bible and Does God have a Name. Learn Bible truths by means of your FREE personal Bible study which you can request online, even at a time and place convenient for you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I believe in God and that he has a son! And they are not the same and there is no Trinity! And I believe that because of careful Bible research! Trinity believers believe as they do, because clever clergy twist scriptures

  • 5 years ago

    God cant die

    Angels cant die

    Men can die

    Jesus died.

    I beleive Jesus was a man while he walked on the earth. IF he wasnt a man, his sacrifice was a sham (gods dont die), and couldnt be attainable by a mortal man. Jesus told us all its attainable. He had to lower himself to become like us to prove that we could do it.

    He started in heaven with his Father though. Then lowered himself to become a man. And he's been back in heaven ever since with his Father making intersession for all of us, and cheering us on..

    His body in heaven is the same celestial body the people of the new heaven will get. And he is immortal like we will be after we win the race and get our prize.

  • 5 years ago

    We are all spirit children of God. This includes me, you and Jesus. Jesus was the perfectly obedient Son of God and was given all power and authority of God. He represents the Father in all things. Jesus created the earth, was Jehovah, the God of the old testament, worked out the atonement that brings us back into the presence of God, and will be our judge. We come unto the Father through the authority of Jesus Christ.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    i belive jesus is the prophet of God nothing more

    they said 3 in 1 the God in three forms if the one person is same in three forms so it happend wrong it is insult of jesus

    1 jesus is the father himself

    2 jesus was the husband of his mother

    3 he came in the shape of human by sense

    this is trinity but christians just think blindly

    here we come to bible

    bible john 4:23

    Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

    bible ch 5 v 30

    jesus said : By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

    mathew 21:11

    The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.

    christians just belive me and my father are one it is just totally confusion

    if me and my mother are one it doesnt mean i will cast my mother,s vote to obama

    jesud is not creator u must belve

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    There is NO TRINITY eve mentioned in the Bible! Not the teaching or even the word! Trinity is from pagan sources.

    Jesus is God's only begotten SON who died for YOU & ME!

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