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Lv 5

Question for creationists.?

You claim that humans are not animals so then where would you place humans in the classification of lifeforms?

Humans have the same types of cells as animals, backbones like chordates, 4 limbs like tetrapods, mammary glands like mammals and so on.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    IF their silly rhetoric had any substance it would be ...well,,,substantial, yet it is not.

    We are animals known as primates, great apes to be exact. The DNA evidence of that is irrefutable. To claim otherwise is simply narcissistic vanity, and is very much misinformation.

    But reality eludes religious pretenders by necessity. To admit reality is real is to disavow their superstition,. They won't do that even for reality.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Any creationist who claims that people are not animals betrays the basis of his beliefs.

    The Bible's Book of Ecclesiastes clearly states that people ARE animals.

  • 5 years ago

    Humans are predatory biped animals. If you don't believe me, take a look at the latest news bulletin on the channel of your choice.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Why do Chrsitians not understand everything is divided into animal, mineral and vegetable?

    Are they all home schooled or perhaps they beleive they are cabbages?!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    We were formed from the earth the same way animals were - but we were brought to life by the breath of God. We died spiritually but stayed alive physically when we sinned. We are born into this spiritually dead state.

    Rebirth means God once again breathes His Spirit into you. I was wide awake when this happened to me. The room lit up for hours (?) as if I was a bolt of lightning. Words have not been invented to describe what it's like to be one with God.

    The Kingdom of God is 'at hand' - so close you can touch it - yet outside of time and space. It exists in a different dimension. Jesus is the real life time-space PORTAL into it.

    "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

    That exclusive statement by Jesus rules out establishments, traditions, regulations and all 'man-made' efforts to get to God, and therefore ultimately, heaven.

    One God, only one way to Him.

    The way is a person, not a religion.

  • mark h
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Let us be specific, we are "like animals" in many ways, chief among them is that we are creatures just like animals. Creature is a scientific term that has an etymology which denotes the work of a creator.

    However, in many ways, humans have been endowed by their creator with many characteristics that other creatures do not possess. In my opinion chief among these are the ability to observe nature and condemn it as flawed. For instance, when we observe that screw flies kill our babies, we kill screw flies by the billions. Or when a female dog devours her new litter of puppies, we spay the dog. Or if that food does not grow in the winter, then we even go so far as to build a green house to trick plants into bearing fruit, In short we judge nature and endeavor to fix nature in ways no other creature can even imagine.

    And not for nothing, science is the leading instrument that mankind uses to fix all that we see wrong with nature. It is the sword of science that humans wield to tame nature to do our bidding.

    Now the only question is will we use that sword as a tool of prosperity or a weapon of destruction. This is where I invoke my religion to guide me. Others not like me will use personal preference, feelings, the direction of the wind, etc.

    Hope that helps.

  • Don't confuse them with facts!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    humans have a soul and spirit and seek God (or hate God)

    animals do not have this love or hatred for their creator.

    humans are "made in the image of God"

    animals aren't

  • 5 years ago

    We have free-will. Animals don't. We are not animals.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago


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