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What do you think about many states passing anti-sharia laws?

Several states have passed laws that the courts in those states can not make rulings based on Sharia law. What do you think of this? Also what religion are you? I would like to see how the opinions differ for different beliefs.


For those who claim this could never happen, the towns of Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are already under Sharia law. The muslims in those town got muslim mayors elected, and the mayors passed sharia law in those towns.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm an atheist and I maintain that it is generally improper to try and force laws onto a country when their own laws serve them well enough.

    The current laws serving the USA, for instance, are far from perfect, but that's only because lawmakers themselves are far from perfect. However, they work more often than not as the USA is (generalization, but I think a fair one) a fairly well functioning country when seen in the grand scheme of things (in other words, it's not a third world shïthole with a totally corrupt government. Yet). Imposing Sharia law on it would be a step in the wrong direction.

    After World War 2, the US and Japan worked together to create a new constitution for Japan. Some people considered this the Americans throwing their weight around, but it was a team effort and it included clauses which have proved to be good (female suffrage, article 9 which forbids Japan to have an "army", although the current PM is trying to challenge that), the non-divinity of the Emperor, etc. This is a case of a successful change in laws.

    Sharia, on the other hand, seems less than compatible with western values, and should therefore either adapt to them or stay where it has its power.

  • 5 years ago

    I think they are incredibly ignorant bigots. What's really interesting is their idea of Sharia law is very similar to what fundie right wing christians want. And no one is trying to make Sharia law a part of the US system. They understand the constitution and don't push their religion on others. Too bad the morons pushing this law don't get it. No one can make that happen anyway. Maybe they are confused because they are trying to push THEIR religious law on this country.

    They clearly don't even know what Sharia law is. It's about following a path for life. It guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of thought. I can see why fundies would be against that. They claim the punishments are severe, but the bible is worse - it calls for things like stoning disobedient children.

    Source(s): Not christian, not atheist. My Jewish daughter is married to a Muslim.
  • 5 years ago

    I believe that the laws of America should be the only legal precedent used in their justice system. It would be absurd to allow a different set of rules from another country change the foundation of the country. Can you imagine what would happen if the gates opened up to allow for the laws of any other place? It would be mayhem. Someone could murder a family or stone their wife in public just because it's okay to do it in another part of the world. America has fought hard for it's people, and it's an insult to suggest they consider anything less. If someone is looking to live in a country with Sharia law imposed on them they are welcome to stay there.

    There have been multiple "honor" killings of children and family members in the name of this abhorrent law system, and it's not okay. I can't post links, but search it - it's disgusting.

    No. I believe in democracy. And I like to wear shorts; that's right - I show my ankles off for the whole world to see!

    As for religion, I believe that there is someone out there looking out for me. Something that is greater than we are, and something we can't reach

  • 5 years ago

    Massively stupid and naked pandering to lunatic fundy christers, who want a christer theocracy.

    There's zero chance that any western country will accept any Sharia Laws, as such laws would be 100% Unconstitutional in any such country. But, the fundy christers want their country to be the Christian equivalent of Afghanistan and Iran.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I agree with it. If they want to practice and live under sharia law, they need to stay in their own damn country.

    I don't associate with any organized religion

  • 5 years ago

    It's knee-jerk christian paranoia. Teach children critical thinking skills and sound reasoning and all religions with eventually shrink to the fringes of horoscopes.

  • It seems superfluous, given the Constitutional separation of Church and State, but I can't say I don't like it.

  • .
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    They are running scared.

    Blacks are pressing for sovereignty issues.

    God as being a part of government wouldn't follow the NWO agenda, until they impose it.

  • 5 years ago

    which is it? Several or many? I think it's prejudice, overreactive.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago


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